Kiehl’s Canada: Free Skincare Consultation + 3 Samples!



For 4 days only, from September 22nd – 25th, pop into your local Kiehl’s store to get a personalised skincare consultation AND receive 3 samples…for FREE!

I did this last year, and although there was a bit of a wait involved, it was well worth it! It was a great intro into their line of skincare which I now love. 🙂

Click here for a Kiehl’s store near you. You might have to change the city.

2 responses to “Kiehl’s Canada: Free Skincare Consultation + 3 Samples!”

  1. Sarah says:

    FYI – You can walk into Kiehl’s at anytime and have a consultation and get free samples. I understand this is to drive ppl into their stores, but if there is a long wait just go back a different day and you will receive the same treatment.

  2. Good ! I think it’s a best way that we should try sample first and after if we get good result then we should continue to using the cream in future.


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