Kraft What’s Cooking Rewards Sneak Peek – Printable Coupons Including Rare Kraft Dinner Coupon! *Working Again*


We managed to find a sneak peek of the new Kraft What’s Cooking Rewards page.  My old Kraft password worked on the site, so no need to sign up if you already have a What’s Cooking account.  Those who have issues printing with SmartSource may be glad to hear that they have teamed up with websaver for their new printable coupons too (and those who enjoy printing from multiple Kraft accounts may not).

The introductory coupons are pretty good!

  • Save $1.00 when you purchase and one (1) PHILADELPHIA Brick Cream Cheese product, 250g any variety.
  • Save $1.00 when you purchase any two (2) KRAFT DINNER macaroni and cheese, any size, any variety (yes not the pasta salad, actual Kraft Dinner!!!)
  • Save $1.00 when you purchase any one (1) KRAFT or CRACKER BARREL Cheese Slices products, any variety 220g-240g
  • Save $1.00 when you purchase any one (1) NABOB ground coffee 375g, any variety
  • Save $1.00 when you purchase any one (1) KRAFT peanut butter, any size, any variety
  • Save $1.00 when you purchase any three (3) JELL-O products, any size, any variety
  • Save $1.00 when you purchase any one (1) MiO liquid water enhancer
  • Save $1.00 when you buy one (1) BAKER’S Chocolate pack (any size, any variety) and one (1) Tub of COOL WHIP Whipped Topping

Please note you will need a printer connection to print your coupons. Coupon quantities are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Limit of one (1) print per coupon offer, per member. Coupons valid only on stated products. Reproductions not accepted.

I am loving the first two coupons and hope it is a sign of good things from Kraft Whats Cooking.  Click here to get your coupons.  Quantities are limited so act fast!

 IF YOU ARE PRINTING COUPONS: Some users have received errors then the coupon shows as printed and is removed so maybe try printing one you don’t want first to make sure you get the ones you do want.

10 responses to “Kraft What’s Cooking Rewards Sneak Peek – Printable Coupons Including Rare Kraft Dinner Coupon! *Working Again*”

  1. ziafranca says:

    Thank you for the news. Tried signing up and then signing in — keep getting error messages. Good luck to all!

  2. sun_shine says:

    ^^ Not sure how many times you tried, but I had to try printing I think 5 times before it actually worked and printed for me! I also kept getting error messages. If it isn’t working, you might want to keep trying 🙂

    • FallenPixels says:

      with the printing error, it thinks it printed so the coupons are removed from the page – so do try one you don’t want first

  3. h says:

    why does printing a coupon take sooooo long. java this and that…..blabla. it isn’t worth the buck…. and i might just buy the other brand as it’s wasted $ 10 of my time to get FA> and filled my mega bites with stuff that doesn’t work.
    mail me them! or put them in something even blunt scissors will work on!

    • FallenPixels says:

      H with the increase in postage coming in 2014 I think we will see a lot more printables sadly

  4. sun_shine says:

    Every time I got the print error and it told me that I had already requested the coupons, I just clicked “back” on my browser and tried again. I tried on a different browser (without closing the original) and it wouldn’t let me, so I just kept going back and trying again until I finally got them all printed.

  5. ZIAFRANCA says:

    Thanks for the tips. I shall try them out. Happy New Year!

  6. LMS says:

    Here is what works for me (its a bit weird): before printing your coupons, verify your Java version at Once you have done this, leave the tab open and got to the Kraft website to print you coupons – it should be error-free.

  7. deelite says:

    I ALWAYS have trouble printing coupons when Java is required. I install it and it says installation was successful but when I go to print the coupons it says I don’t have Java. The Java they are asking for is so outdated. This is always a problem with smartsource. I have a MAC. I don’t know how to contact anyone at smartsource (can’t find contact info on their page). I’m having the same problem with these Kraft coupons. Sounds like so many of us have this problem. Why don’t they make it easier for us????? How can we get them to change their system/format?? So frustrating!!! Love to hear ANY suggestions. Thanks!!!!

    • FallenPixels says:

      deelite, never update java from the link they give you as it puts a new version of java over the other ones on your computer and multiple ones confuse it.

      As far as changing it, sadly while people scam they need to try and protect themselves from multiple prints so wont change it


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