Tag: kraft whats cooking

Kraft Canada Coupons: New Printable Coupons Available Through Kraft What’s Cooking

The Kraft Canada coupon portal is an excellent place to find coupons for all of your favourite Kraft products in one place. You can visit the Kraft What’s Cooking website by clicking the link below. To access the coupon area, you are required to have an account, so you will first have to sign in …Read More

New Kraft Canada Printable Coupons: Save On Peanut Butter, Baker’s, and Cool Whip

There are a couple of new coupon available through the Kraft Canada coupon portal today, and one of them is a fairly rare coupon for a staple that many of you should be happy about! Head over to the Kraft Canada coupon portal by clicking the link below where you will find the following two …Read More

New Kraft Canada Printable Coupons: Save On Kraft Dinner & Kraft Dressing

The Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal is a fantastic place to find printable coupon for all of your favourite Kraft products. A couple of new coupons have just been added. Visit the site by clicking the link below where you can sign in or register and print these new coupons: Save 50 cents on …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: Save On Kraft Dressing And Renee’s Dips & Dressing *Printable Coupons*

The Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal has a coupon of new coupons available that have recently been added. There was previous a coupon available for 50 cents off the purchase of any Kraft Salad Dressing 475ml or larger, but now a new coupon that is higher in value has been added. You can now …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: Save 75 Cents on Kraft Dinner Four Packs *Printable Coupon*

The Kraft Canada coupon portal has a new coupon available to its members this morning. This printable coupon is for 75 cents off the purchase of any one Kraft Dinner 4 pack. I can’t say I’ve ever purchased the Kraft Dinner in a four pack, so I’m not sure what kind of savings this coupon …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: New Printable Philadelphia Cheese Coupons Available

Yesterday we told you about the new coupon for Kraft Singles available through the Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal, in honour of National Grilled Cheese month. A couple of more coupons for Kraft cheese products have just been added, so you can now head over and print them all. The coupon for $1 off …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: Save $1 On Philadelphia Brick Cream Cheese and More! *Printable Coupons*

New coupons are available to be printed through the Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal. To access these coupons you need to have an account with Kraft Canada and you will have to sign in to that account. Once signed in, the following new coupons will be available to you: $1 off the purchase of …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: Save $1 On Cracker Barrel Special Reserve Cheese *Printable Coupon*

There are not too  many coupons available through the Kraft Canada What’s Cooking printable coupon portal at the moment, but there is a new one that you might enjoy. Save $1 on the purchase of any Cracker Barrel Special Reserve Cheese 250g with this new coupon. The coupons available through this portal do print through …Read More

New Kraft Canada Coupons Available: Save On Kraft Salad Dressing, All Natural Peanut Butter, and More

It seems like it has been some time since new coupons have been added to the Kraft Canada printable coupon portal, but today there are now three that have become available. Access your Kraft Canada What’s Cooking account, or quickly register for one, and you will find that you have the option to print the …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: New Nabob Keurig Printable Coupons Available

Perhaps you got a new Keurig coffee machine for Christmas or on Boxing Day, and are looking for some cheap K Cups or Keurig compatible cups. The Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal now has several coupons for Nabob Keurig compatible coffee cups, two of which are new additions to the portal. Visit the Kraft …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: New Coupons For Cool Whip, Baker’s Chocolate, And Nabob *Printable Coupons*

The Kraft Canada What’s Cooking printable coupon portal, with coupons available through WebSaver, has been updated and somewhat revamped, and currently has a couple of new coupons available. The following two new coupons can now be printed: Save $1 when you purchase any one package of Baker’s chocolate, any variety, and one can of Cool …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: Buy One Kraft Cracker Barrel Reserve And Get One Free *Printable Coupon*

The Kraft Canada coupon portal is a great place to find printable coupons for your favourite Kraft products, and sometimes even high value ones, such as this new coupon. Purchase one Cracker Barrel Special Reserve Cheese 25og, and get one free with this coupon. To access the coupon, you will have to be signed in …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: Save $2 On Jalapeno or Chocolate Philadelphia Cream Cheese *Printable Coupon*

Another new coupon is available through the Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal today, and this one is for the whole country to enjoy this time, and not just for residents of Quebec. Save $2 on the purchase of Philadelphia Chocolate Cream Cheese or Jalapeno Cream cheese product with this printable coupon. The coupon is …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $2 On Kraft Cracker Barrel Shredded Cheese *Quebec Only*

The Kraft Canada What’s Cooking coupon portal has a new coupon available this morning, however, this one is only available to residents of Quebec. Save $2 on the purchase of any one Cracker Barrel Shredded Natural Cheese in the 250, 300, or 320g format, any variety, with this new coupon. The Cracker Barrel Shredded Cheese …Read More

Kraft Canada Coupons: Save $1 On Kraft Peanut Butter And 50 Cents On Kraft Salad Dressing *Printable Coupons*

Two new coupons are available through the Kraft Canada What’s Cooking website. Save $1 on the purchase of any one jar of Kraft Peanut Butter, any size, and variety, and save 50 cents on the purchase of any bottle of Kraft salad dressing, any variety, in either the 475ml or 710ml formats. Both of these …Read More

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