Krispy Kreme Sweet Offer: Day of The Dozens Surprise on 12 — 12 — 12

Screen Shot 2012 12 07 at 5.29.09 AM Krispy Kreme Sweet Offer: Day of The Dozens Surprise on 12   12   12

Krispy Kreme has reached the 12,000 fans mark so there will be a sur­prise on Wednes­day, Decem­ber 12, 2012 at 12:01AM EST for every­one in Canada.

Just like Krispy Kreme Face­book page and visit it at mid­night of 12–12-12 to see what hap­pens and enjoy your sur­prise from Krispy Kreme. Click here to get the surprise

5 responses to “Krispy Kreme Sweet Offer: Day of The Dozens Surprise on 12 — 12 — 12”

  1. Lori says:

    The closest Krispy Kreme to me is 18 hours away.

  2. Lori says:

    There are 2 stores in Ontario and 2 in Quebec, how does this work for all of Canada?

  3. Boo Radley says:

    I guess all Canada as in all their branches in Canada.. sorry my wording was bad.

  4. philip says:

    Actually there are 3 store in GTA (1 missasauga & 2 downtown Toronto) 1 in Delta BC and 2 in Quebec.

  5. Lori says:

    Strange, it only showed 4 using their store locator.


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