Lindt Outlet Boutique Coupon: Free Lindt Teddy when you Spend $15

Screen Shot 2012 12 07 at 3.59.59 AM Lindt Outlet Boutique Coupon: Free Lindt Teddy When You Spend $15

Lindt Canada is offer­ing 100g Lindt Teddy when you spend $15 at any Lindt out­let bou­tique. Free Lindt  Teddy value is $6.49 and you can get the deal at Lindt out­let bou­tique stores listed with the coupon. Lindt coupon is valid until Mon­day, Decem­ber 24, 2012. Limit one coupon per cus­tomer and can­not be com­bined with any other offer. Free 100g Lindt Teddy can be sub­sti­tuted for equal or greater value at Lindt’s dis­cre­tion. Click here and find Lindt out­let bou­tique near­est you and your coupon.

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