It’s been a rough summer for McDonald’s and food recalls. First up we had the continent-wide tomato scare that left our sandwiches without that delicious red crunch, and now the Turkey BLT is off the menu until further notice.
In case you’ve been out of the loop, let me get you up to speed. Certain products from Maple Leaf Meats have been exposed to the bactera lysteria monocytogenes, and these tainted meats have been responsible for 4 deaths so far. These meats all came out of a Toronto factory — the same factory that produces the turkey used by McDonald’s.
All things considered, this might not be as quick a fix as the tomato incident. A clean up of the factory to get it to safe standards again will likely take time, and finding a new supplier for turkey that can supply the volume McDonald’s would require might be a real challenge.
Does anyone even eat the Turkey BLT? Given the circumstances, would anyone really care if it was taken off the menu for good?
It’s up to 11 deaths.
I like the turkey blt it is the only one of the deli sandwiches that I liked… the only problem is that you have to get it when the meat is still fresh… I worked at one for a while and there are times when the meet is just redated saying it is still good if it looks ok… which I dont’ agree with and which actually scares me.
Rachel — if that’s true you need to contact your local Public Health Official. Call City Hall, they’ll get you in touch with the right people. That’s a safety violation that could get people really sick. Not to get all preachy, but if you know about something like that it’s your duty to report it.
Another reason not to eat processed meats. (Besides the nitrites, which cause cancer…)
A lot of places redate there meats. I know of one place that use to bleach the whole chickens and reslap a bb sticker on it… ewww.
But I do think the first recall list had the turkey on it, its really scary.
Bleaching chicken (which kills the off smell) should not be happening anymore, at least in the big chains. Food Lion in the States got caught a few years ago. The company wanted such a high profit that the workers tried to control shrink (lost product) by doing this. This practise was exposed to the public.In my opinion it was the companies fault for unreal expectations.
Changing best before dates? Does that happen? Is that legal?
I hope not.
Oh It’s def illegal, but it happens. Its not like the health unit keeps an eye on a package of chicken in a random mom and pop grocery store and sayes hey thats the same chicken!
I know its disgusting, but it happens.
Now the larger chains I dont hear much about, but even my dad who shops at a smaller grocery has bought a roast that was in date for 3 more days, opened it and the smell almost made him vomit.
Ive also gone into a small grocery store in the morning and watch them trim off mold and rotten parts off the vegetables.
Mind you I dont shop there, I just needed some tp 😛
Its really gross that this stuff happens but it does, thats why I don’t just look at the BB date, I look at the meat to make sure its up to par.
I had an incident at my local McDonalds yesterday about this same sandwich. The conversation was this:
May I please have a Turkey BLT and med fries to go?
I’m sorry but we don’t sell those right now.
I said “Right now? When do you sell them?”
Employee: I don’t know
Why is it still on the menu with not sign posted?
Mgr walks over at that point and tells her to ask me what type of drink I ordered?
So on and so forth….grrrr
But when the Tomatoe issue happened there were signs posted everywhere at McD’s. This time nothing and a mgr that won’t even say why they are not selling it? Hmmmm might be good info.
Thank you to whomever posted this..otherwise I would not have the answer to my sandwich dilema.