Microsoft makes your Xbox 360 a little more Canadian, free of charge



Not too sure how this one flew under my radar for so long.  This past Canada Day Microsoft decided to treat Canadian gamers to some free gamerpics and themes to celebrate the holiday.  They’re pretty sharp, and who can disagree with the price of free?

Not too sure how long they’ll be available for, but they were still there at the time of this writing.  I’d hop on and grab them as soon as you get home.

3 responses to “Microsoft makes your Xbox 360 a little more Canadian, free of charge”

  1. I’m actually using that Canada Day 2008 theme on my Xbox 360’s dashboard right now. It’s awesome–even artistic, unlike last year’s Canada Day dashboard which was a bunch of animated beavers/slack-jawed yokels playing hockey. >.<

  2. Leanne says:

    What is the website?

  3. thestickman says:

    My bother is acctually using some of these on his account… as for me, im gonna stick to my red vs. blue…


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