Mothers Day Canada 2012: The Frugal Way To Treat Mom



Mother’s Day is quickly approaching. Have you got anything planned yet?  I figured we can share our ideas how to make the “mom” in your life feel special and praised without a big hit on the bank book (do they even have those anymore?)

Brainstorming I came up with these solid starters

  • Pick a bouquet from your garden, right now an array of spring blooms are out, even lilacs should be blooming
  • Make mom breakfast in bed, but not too early. Let her sleep in!
  • Pull out the foot bath and give mom a full foot pampering
  • If you have kids they can paint rocks for the garden, make frames with their hand prints etc.

Of course what I have in mind this year will totally break the bank and I’m not sure if it will float with the husband. But I’d love to start a Pandora bracelet then the kids can pick out a bead on each occasion as a gift.

What are you planning to do for mom?

16 responses to “Mothers Day Canada 2012: The Frugal Way To Treat Mom”

  1. Jen says:

    This year is hard for my mother. Mother’s day this year is my mother’s father’s birthday. He died 39 years ago when she was 14. May 12th was her mother’s birthday, and she died 36 years ago. My mom say she will be too depressed to celebrate. I’m going to buy her alcohol and sit with her watching her favourite movie. My mom will be happy so long as I do that. (She hates spas, jewellery, we all have flower allergies, etc. so this works)

  2. Stephania says:

    My mom’s pretty practical, so usually I just ask her if she wants anything. If she says “No”, she’ll be fine with lunch or nothing at all!

  3. I love to travel says:

    My mother is easy because she loves plants. She is happy to add to her garden.

  4. nightlite says:

    I ordered my mom (aka Grandma now) a small hand stamped necklace with her grandchildren’s names and birthdates on them. She recently lost her Dad (my Grandpa) so I wanted a reminder for her of what she still has. For me? Someone get me a good bottle of wine and a babysitter. LOL!

  5. Lily says:

    My mother never wants anything… She isn’t a material person, and isn’t used to thinking about herself. Rather then buying her stuff, i usually plan an outing with her. Go see a museum exhibit, go for high tea, go bird watching. I think that is what these occasions were originally about: think of your mother and spend time with her.

  6. AmberLab says:

    My mother lives far away, so the most economical option for me is to call in a flower order and skip the Canada Post rates altogether (she’s one of those people who has it all, doesn’t like junk, and can afford things herself). My boys and I will Skype with her later that day, I may get them to help me make cupcakes “for her.” 😉

  7. Theresa says:

    Nice ideas. I know I would like to receive any of them.

  8. Leslie says:

    Spoil your mothers while you still have her. My mom passed away at the tender age of 53. I was 31, and I have spent every year since wishing she was here so I could do what I should have done when she was here! You only have one mom, you only have so much time. Don’t worry about being frugal at times like these.

  9. mommy2two says:

    I am getting a tattoo as my mother’s day present! I have always wanted one so my husband went to the artist i was planning on and paid a deposit and made my appointment for may 11th. I’m so excited.

    As for my mother and mother-in-law i bought some terracota pots at dollarama that she can paint and plant a smaller flower in.

  10. Natalka says:

    I agree with Leslie, and lost my mom when I was 35. Cherish your moms, all of you!
    All I want from my son is LOVE that day! Anything else is a bonus! 🙂

  11. mommy2emma says:

    Whoops…both kids were in my lap “helping” me type…and my 3 year old is painting the pots.

  12. svot says:

    Agreed that expensive gifts are not for everyone but if your mom wants something on the high end – DO IT! Mother’s day isn’t the day to cheap out 🙂

  13. Eric says:

    My mother is tricky to buy for since she likes practical things and seems to have 1 or 2 of anything she needs. For her birthday one year it was basically just a video birthday card from myself and my kids.

  14. Vivian says:

    Instead of buying flowers this year, I have made two arrangements of origami tulips, one for my mother-in-law and one for my mother. I have arranged them in vases that they already own, which makes for a beautiful, creative gift.

  15. mydoglugnut says:

    Like some of the posters above, I too have lost my mother. She died of cancer about 7 years ago, one day shy of her 54th birthday. I would give anything to have her alive and well to celebrate her (and the wonderful person she was) on mothers day. I am very grateful that I have a fantastic mother in law that I can share the day with. She is not my mother, but she is the mother of my husband and I am very grateful for her, not only for that but for being there for me.

  16. Jonas Wynn says:

    Yeaaa…I was a little more frugal than that and just sent her an e-card this year…sorry mom


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