I’ve added a new reviews blog on here where you can freely express yourself and share with us your positive or negative store, service or product experience! This reviews blog will be 100% uncensored and 100% unbiased, and no review will be removed even if a company contacts me and asks to have it removed.
- Had a good or bad retail store or shopping experience?
- Got scammed? Cheated?
- Got treated unfairly?
- Had an good, bad or unusual product experience?
You’re at the right place! The Canadian Reviews Blog is where you can freely write about your experience and express yourself without being censored! This is where we, the consumers, bite back on unfair and rude services and reward good ones!
Share your stories and have other readers comment, give you advice and help you out!
Click here to visit the reviews section and submit your review
You can also access the reviews blog by clicking on the “Reviews” tab in the website header.
submitted my review! about walmart.
This is a great idea! I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s experiences.
great idea 🙂
Just last week was gettin my fix and saw a great ad about teeth whitening, so called written by some mom saying she couldn’t believe it….gave a link for free sample to send away for…
guess what happens when you sign up for the first sample gave my visa for shipping, an input code for a futher discount it showed it would cost 1.95 then when I pushed submit it came up $11. and change then It zaped to the last page where it had a disclaimer posted as well as being signed up for a weight loss program and a “Insiders Secret” news letter or some such thing at which time they bill you for joining these other “sponsers”…..Well they do provide a phone number which phoned and cancled my order, was informed that I would have to call and cancel the other memberships even tho I had not requested the weight loss diet program (don’t need it) or news letter. It when on to say that you would be billed monthly as well. Called VISA and found I had been billED over $59.00 in a matter of a few minutes. Although they gave me a cancelation number I’m not sure weather it was in fact applied, Cancled that VISA with security in hopes of stoping futher billing, was told I would have to wait untill the next statement in July to see if it was actually reinbursted. Just got my new VISA yesterday with the micro Chip in it just hope they cancled the charge…a very expensive and scary experiance
WILL NEVER BUY ON LINE AGAIN!!!!!!! It sound really legit and I’m always so smug about how clerver I am, not getting stung by all the scams, but this one caught me, I am humbled!!! For info it was on MSN.com “food an entertainment ” a pop-up still running this AM will post update when I get next months VISA Statement…
shrug I buy online all the time u just need to be careful.
Agree with Sally – just be “online”-smart, that’s all 🙂
They are advertizing in Divine.ca as Dazzle White at a price of $89. Beware
Thats very good to know… thanks