New WebSaver Mail To Home VIP Coupons Available March 22nd


If you are new to couponing then you will not remember the days when WebSaver coupons were mostly mail to home, and they were actually the best coupon portal for mail to home coupons. Now, you can only request your VIP mail out envelope when they are available, for very short periods of time. The next VIP offering, according to the WebSaver site, is now schedules to be released on March the 22nd.

Mark your calendars for that date, and we be sure to let you know when they are live, in the case that you have forgotten. You must be registered and have a WebSaver account in order to request the VIP envelope. If you are new to WebSaver you can go ahead and register now so that you already an account come March the 22nd.

How do you feel about the VIP WebSaver coupons. I actually really miss the way it used to be. I print very few WebSaver coupons and the last set of mail out coupons I received ended up in the garbage when they expired. I didn’t find them to be very useful.

Click here to register for the WebSaver VIP club.

One response to “New WebSaver Mail To Home VIP Coupons Available March 22nd”

  1. Abby1 says:

    Thanks for the head’s up! I’ve been wondering.

    I really miss the way it used to be too. The most notable Websaver coupons I’ve printed since the switched have been the Royale toilet paper one & the plain cream cheese one. The last VIP batch I didn’t find very useful either, but the few beforehand I got some use out of it. It’s nice to have the 25 cents off a veggie or fruit here and there when they mail those ones out. Hope those come back.


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