Shortly after January 1st, whether they’re officially or not, I always write down some sort of goal list. And sadly, YES, they sort of do resemble the list atop. 😉
As a sort of curve-ball, in conjunction to being more active, I would like to try one NEW form of physical activity.
I tend to get bored with the same old-same old exercise regime, so I am trying to mix things up! So a gf and I are talking about visiting a hot yoga studio.
From experience, one thing that helps in Resolution Keeping is making your list with a friend who will keep you accountable. Ideally, this should be a solid person in your life who you see on a regular basis and who will NOT hesitate to ask you those tough questions!
(Keep in mind that if one of your goals is to eat healthier, perhaps your buddy-back-up shouldn’t be someone who is a regular at the Drive-thrus.)
There’s a saying which states that it takes at least 21 days to form a habit. And since it’s been officially a month since New Year’s Day has passed, for those of you who have made ’em, have you kept up with those Resolutions?
I didn’t officially make a resolution to lose weight, but I told myself I was starting January 1st. I’m down 15 pounds.
I am an avid reader and English Teacher and one of my resolutions this year was to read one classic novel a month. Last month was Pride & Prejudice (blech!) and this month is The House of Seven Gables.
P.S If anyone would like to join me, I have a group on Goodreads and for anyone who hasn’t checked out yet, it is an awesome site for people who love to read.
I gave up pop, now I drink water and I don’t miss the pop at all!
This picture is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!
I gave up smoking a few weeks before New Years so I wouldn’t feel so pressured, but I am still smoke-free……now I need to work on eating healthier…..(maybe next year ) LOL
I agree with Yingy_C. The picture is absolutely hilarious ! Lol!
Love the pic!!
I attend hot yoga (Bikram Yoga is the term for the “original” hot yoga) at a Bikram studio in my town. I’ve been going since September, and have really noticed some good changes in my body!
That said, I still have a love-hate relationship with it. If you are like me or my friends, you will HATE your first class until you are done and outside again and then you’ll feel great. It will be hard to go each time, but it gets easier and you never lose the awesome after Bikram feeling 🙂 I went last night and feel great today.
Look for a beginner’s special, often around $20 for one week unlimited and try to commit to going at least three times. Read the website ahead of time and watch some videos on youtube so you know what to expect. The website should tell you to be super hydrated in the days before you go!
Tell us how it goes!!
Too funny!!! Love it.
never had a problem keeping resolutions.(Yes) I make them. I have made weight loss ones in past(down over 100lbs since that one in 2010) my all time favorite was a random act of kindness one had to do 1 nice thing for someone else a day by March it actually became exciting and often did more than 1 thing a day. Could be anything but, person couldnt expect it i would suggest it to anyone easy to keep because it makes you feel good!
This isn`t really a resolution but I went sugar free starting Jan 2. My blood sugars were out of control so it was a lifestyle change I had to make. Now if I could convince myself to get more active…
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