Old Navy Canada: $1 Fleece Scarves (Saturday, Nov 7th Doorbuster)

Canadian Deals & Coupons


On Saturday, Nov 7th, Old Navy is going to have $1 fleece scarves as their doorbuster special. Make sure you get there early to pick up some yourself!

Thanks to lyssapaquette475 for giving us the heads up on this deal!

14 responses to “Old Navy Canada: $1 Fleece Scarves (Saturday, Nov 7th Doorbuster)”

  1. ILoveSmartCanucks says:

    Is this offer available at all ON stores in Canada?

  2. Frugal.Tea says:

    Thanks a bunch 🙂

  3. BetuL says:

    great! thanks 🙂

  4. izawa says:

    woah, darn, i just got new scarves =[
    but always good to have some backup 😉

  5. lala-chan says:

    I wonder if this one has a limit of purchase on it. if so i should bring my friends/family along 🙂

  6. Nat says:

    Just wanted to let everyone know that the scarves pictured above are NOT the one’s for $1 (as they aren’t fleece).. They are just being used as a visual… Just don’t want anyone to get there and be upset. 🙂

    Lala, the limit is usually 5 on ON doorbusters.

  7. thecountess says:

    Thanks Justine 🙂

  8. Frugal.Tea says:

    Next Saturday…Limit 5. Thanks for the update 🙂

  9. Fay. H. says:

    I’m confused, I read on some other blogs the scarf sale was today…?

    • Justine says:

      Nat on the forum originally posted that it was this past Saturday and then changed it to next week, so I adjusted the blog post, not sure when it is myself I have been in an ON for over a month.

  10. HR says:

    What I always do for these ON doorbusters is to buy what you want during the week and then get a price adjustment on the saturday that way you get the best selection.

  11. Rosalie says:

    i’m getting one in every color are there more colors than that if so yay!!

  12. Debbie says:

    Don’t really care! I would guess that everyone will be pushing and shoving and fighting over $ scarves, I made my own for people ….and I’m knitting some, much nicer than getting sweat shop factory scarves made by little kids for pennies a piece. DON”T GET THEM !!!!


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