Canadian Coupons: Old Navy Weekly Canada Coupons (Updated Sept 10)


So, I don’t know about the rest of you, but this week ONW hunt was crazy. I stayed up till 5am and nothing, then got up at 9am today and found out that it didn’t update. So waited around with all the lovely Sc’ers in the chat room and it did update finally around 10:30am today (Friday) and all the good coupons were gone within seconds.

Here at the coupon locations for this week:
$75 off $100 – take the lipstick from the girl’s pocket and put it on the girl to the left’s lips. There were only 250 of these this week and they went super fast. (gone)
$50 off $100 – make the girl in the middle have the green shirt ond light pants, you have to click on the arrows to change her outfit. (gone)
$10 off $50 – click on the purple shirt of the girl farthest to the left.
20% off your purchase – Click the jeans a few times for 20% off when you buy women’s jeans.
15% off your purchase – click on mobile and put in a name and US phone number (it will only accepts US numbers so use a US area code). Coupon will pop up after that is completed.
10% off your purchase (when you buy any mens item) – drag the orange lolly from the kid’s bucket to the left lady’s mouth

For more information, and to tune in week to week with all the other ONW SC’ers join us here.

17 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Old Navy Weekly Canada Coupons (Updated Sept 10)”

  1. julia says:

    just don’t get how that happens, within seconds of it uploading i got the 75 off but it was already gone… waste of time

  2. Justine says:

    I don’t either. bots?

  3. I_Vomit_Glitter says:

    must be bots or tech savvy selfish geeks.

  4. I_Vomit_Glitter says:

    maybe in came up earlier in US???? is that even possible?

  5. denise says:

    Thanks for the info.
    Justine: Did you get any good coupons? I only found the $10 off and the 20% with a purchase of jeans. I was too late for the $50.00 off. 🙁

  6. Justine says:

    i got a 20% off from a fellow Sc’er, had no luck this week. 🙁

  7. Cheapskate15 says:

    I’m guessing lots and lots of greed. Who could really just take the free money and run without doing it over and over with multiple emails. A great idea – but flawed for sure.

    Too bad – had great potential. But a lot of real Old Navy fans (and real time shoppers) will just end up pissed off and won’t bother. I give this another month or so before they scrap it.

    Greed ruins is for the rest of us. Ebaying these coupons?? Come on!

  8. Justine says:

    They’ve been doing it since feb. I’ve been at it since April and still no $75. What does that tell you? It’s damn hard to get a HV coupon.

  9. Lexy says:

    I had luck on my side this morning!!! I am not a “bot” nor a “tech savvy selfish geek”- I just happened to click update at the exact right time and used my experience with this site over the past few months to figure out the 75$ coupon and I got it. I was amazed, stunned and of course overjoyed. I do agree that there are probably people abusing the coupon site especially since there are so many being sold on Ebay. With that said something to remember is that with each coupon awarded you have the opportunity to gift a coupon to a Facebook friend. When there are only 250 HV coupons available to everyone in the US and CAN, and everyone chooses to gift the coupon to a friend then that really means that there are approximately 125 coupons available.
    I have NEVER one such an amazing coupon before so I do definitely understand your frustration, but I wanted to provide a slightly different perspective as well.
    Good luck to everyone next week!!

  10. julia says:

    i know what you are saying but when it a few seconds into the whole thing it’s a little upsetting thats all

  11. Justine says:

    lexy – congrats.

  12. Lexy says:

    I totally understand the upsetting frustration side of it too don’t worry!!

  13. Pam says:

    I think you should all do what I did last week… I emailed Old Navy and told them what a joke this promotion was and sent them a link that had people SELLING THE COUPONS for the bigger coupons, like the $75 on the net!!! THOSE are the people who get them. One guy had a few of the $75 available and was selling them for $30 each. So the buyer saves a few bucks, and the scum bag makes sixty bucks of this promotion because HE OR SHE GOT ALL THE COUPONS FIRST. I sent Old Navy the link and screen shot of it so I hope they do something about it. I’m not wasting any more time on ONW.

  14. Justine says:

    Pam, did they respond to you?

  15. Pam says:

    Yes, twice. But listen to this. The first response was along the lines of “so sorry you are having technical difficulty on our site, Rest assured we are working on the problem blah blah blah” and it was all about “technical difficulties” on the site. I replied back with “clearly you did NOT read my message or you would have understood that there are NO technical difficulties. You obviously copied and pasted a standard ‘sorry for technical problem’ script that you use for TECHNICAL PROBLEMS. This is a problem with your PROMOTION and people profiting from it etc. etc… I THEN got a response from a DIFFERENT person who DID understand what I was saying and said she was forwarding it to the department managing the promotion.

    I’ll post if I ever get a reply back from the “appropriate” department. If I ever do.

    (I have to say I do complain a lot to companies about different things now and then, and have always gotten a response)

  16. julia says:

    that’s great pam

    where did you find their email?

  17. julia says:

    i don’t complain often at all but … i think they should know what some greedy people are doing


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