Olymel Canada Printable Coupon: Save $1.50 On Olymel Handcrafted Ham


Here is a new printable coupon available from Olymel Canada. Save $1.50 on the purchase of Olymel Handcrafted Ham when you print the coupon after filling in your information. You must first sign up for the Olymel newsletter using a valid email address. An email confirming your subscription to the Olymel newsletter will be sent to email address provided. Click the link in the email to confirm your subscription, and you will receive access to download the coupon. The coupon does not specify a limit of one per person, but I think that is the intention.

The coupon also specifies it is valid on when “purchasing 200g Olymel Handcrafted Ham.” It looks like this is a product available at the deli counter, and not an individually packaged product, judging by the Olymel product listing on their website.

The coupon is valid until March 31st, 2015.

Click here to print your coupon.

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