One A day Canada Printable Coupon For Adult Gummies Vitamins

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Save $2 on your next purchase of Fruiti-ssentials Gummies for grown ups.  Coupon expires December 31st 2011.  I have never had the gummi adult vitamins.  I wonder if they`re as flavourful as the children’s ones.

Print your coupon here.

3 responses to “One A day Canada Printable Coupon For Adult Gummies Vitamins”

  1. Lace says:

    I buy these all the time for myself and my 2 boys ages 15 and 13 , My 13 yr old cant swallow adult pills/vitamins so I buy these so they can be chewed and they are awesome !

  2. crystal says:

    These vitamins are sooooo good!!

  3. bella_bamba says:

    I’m 26 and can’t swallow pills so i love these! Thanks for the coupon! Now if i could just remember to take my vitamins LOL


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