Thus far we have two flyer sneak peeks for you today. We may have more before long, but for now you can start your shopping plan of attack for the upcoming week with this early look at the Real Canadian Superstore and Freshco Ontario flyers,valid October 26th to November the 1st. Click the links below to view these flyers on our forum, and some of the highlights are listed below:
- Unico Canned Tomatoes or Primo Pasta .75
- Bone In Skinless Chicken Breasts $2.77/lb
- Classico Pasta Sauce $2
- Mushrooms, Blackberries, or Raspberries $1.50
- 12pk Coke or Pepsi products $3.33
- Smartfood or SunChips $2
- Coffeemate $2
- Swanson Meat Pies $1
- Purex or Sunlight Laundry Detergent $3
- McCain Superfries $2
- Package of 6 Avocados $2.98
- Lean Ground Beef $2.88/lb
- Cracker Barrel Cheese Bars or Shredded Cheese $4.98
- Classico Pasta Sauce $2
- Pillsbury Pizza Pops $2
- Oasis Refrigerated Juice $2.98
- Orville Redenbacher Ready To Eat $1.98