Orange Julius Canada: B1G1 White Tea Smoothie!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Got an Orange Julius nearby? Why not stop by and buy one white tea smoothie and get one free! One for you and one for a friend.. or two for you if you are greedy like that. 🙂 This coupon is good until Oct 31, 2009.

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4 responses to “Orange Julius Canada: B1G1 White Tea Smoothie!”

  1. bingo says:

    Yo, which flavor should I try? Peach perhaps…and how much is one? Hopefuly not like Second cup 1 for $5 bucks or

  2. thecountess says:

    Thanks Justine 🙂

  3. itsakeychain says:

    Just had a raspberry one yesterday. Tasted great but when I tried to order a small, they said they only come in medium. Was 4.95!!

  4. J.R.Lava says:

    Mmmm I Tried A Raspberry White Tea Smoothie Over The Weekend. So Yummy! Haha Trying To “Re-create” It, But, It’s Not Working Out So Well… Just Yet! 😛


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