Skippy, a very proud father and a fellow Smart Canucks member, tells all as his daughter, Lizzie, graces the front pages of both The Star and The Toronto Sun.
Here the family thought I’d make the papers one day. My daughter beat me to it!
In SUN too! (Pardon my gloating!)
Lizzie, among several of her classmates (Grade 6 students from Oshawa’s Coronation Public School) participated in an environmental project that hopes to restore the population of Atlantic Salmon to Lake Ontario. Decked out in rubber boots and amidst the stream, they helped release 27,000 salmon fry into Duffins Creek on Friday.
The project, a coordinated effort involving more than 30 organizations, is in its third year and has cost an estimated $3 million so far. If it takes off, Lake Ontario could be home to a healthy Atlantic salmon population by 2020, Robinson said.
Once the fry grow up and head out into the lake, their chances of survival are slim, Rance said. Perhaps one in 1,000 will return to the stream as adults to spawn. Fingerlings and yearlings have higher survival rates, but because they spend more time growing up in aquariums they may be less likely to come back to their home streams.
Rance said the restoration project serves two purposes – the salmon act as an incentive for people to keep the lake clean, but they also allow researchers to gauge pollution levels in the lake by studying the fish that return to spawn.
Robinson said the project means different things to the many people involved. “I’ve found a lot of different angles to it,” he said. Some act out of a moral obligation to undo humankind’s ecological footprint – “It’s sort of a you-broke-it, you-buy-it philosophy,” he said. Source
Full articles can be found in the links above.

Anyone else remember that episode of The Simpsons where Chief Wiggum is looking up old laws and discovers one that reads “Five kicks of the same can shall be considered illegally transporting litter”? That’s the first thing I thought of when I came across this: a list of strange laws from around the world. Their section on Canada is particularly sidesplitting. For example: it’s against provincial law to kill a sasquatch in British Columbia, while in the town of Uxbridge, Ontario residents are forbidden from having an internet connection faster than 56k.
I’d just like to state for the record that this site doesn’t source any specific laws, so take it with a grain of salt. Still — definitely a fun read.

Ever wonder what it would be like if they took Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure and did a Rocky Horror-style live show in front of the screen? Neither have I, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t sound like a garment bag full of fun.
The event will be going down at the Bloor Cinema this Thursday May 29th, with showings at 7 and 9:30pm. Tickets are $14 with all proceeds going to the Toronto Cyclists Union. For more information check out the Toronto Cyclists Union online here.

Nothing beats the taste of a great Canadian soda, and there weren’t any greater than The Pop Shoppe. Starting in London Ontario 1969, The Pop Shoppe let consumers buy their soda directly from their distribution outlets, bypassing the typical retail route and passing the savings on to the customer. It sounds crazy, but it worked — within three years they’d expanded to over 500 stores and eventually branched out into the states. People were mixing and matching cases and returning refillable bottles all over the country.
The good times couldn’t last forever though, and despite having some of the best tasting soda on the market (and a big time spokesperson like hockey legend Eddie Shack!) the company folded in 1983. The general consensus is that the business was killed by a combination of store-brand sodas entering the marketplace in major grocery chains and Coca-Cola’s introduction of a diet cola.
In 2004 The Pop Shoppe made a quiet return. Store shelves in small convenience stores were being stocked with Black Cherry and Lime Ricky Pop Shoppe bottles for the first time — and they were just as good as ever. In the four years since, the product has successfully rolled out into much larger availability, with select Zellers stores featuring the product and the 7-11 Food Store chain recently signing on to carry it in all of it’s Ontario locations.
Have you had your Pop Shoppe lately?

Most of the time we here at SmartCanucks are the ones trying to inform you — now we’d love it if you could inform us!
The internet is plagued with sites promising cheap airfares and last minute deals on flights, but which ones really work? Do we have any frequent flyers here? How do you save on airfare?
Hopefully your answers can help out other readers looking to plan a trip on a big tin bird — readers like me. I’ll be going out to California in July for a press event and I’d love to save every penny I can on the trip. Right now I’m using farecast.com to plan the flight, and although it has some great features I like (emailing me the lowest ticket price every day, tipping me off on whether or not they expect the price to go up or down) I’d like to see what else is out there. Come on, SmartCanuckers! Help me fly those friendly skies!
Ok, ok — so we’re not really bringing McDonald’s Mondays back. But I stumbled across this clip on YouTube today and couldn’t help but want to share in the silliness.
The best part? Ronald is having nothing to do with it. Now that’s a clown who has his priorities straight.

Two pretty fantastic Wii games have gone up for grabs at bargain basement prices over at Toys’R’Us this week. You can pick up either Sonic and the Secret Rings or Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz for only $9.97. This deal is available both <s>online</s> and in store until May 30th.
Update: As of this writing, the online store is out of stock. If you don’t have a TRU in your area, keep checking the site. Hopefully they’ll get a few more on there for you.
They say small minds are easily amused, luckily I was absent for commentary on this topic during the publishing of this contest, lol. 😛 In any case, Crush Canada has cleverly put together a flash site for all to enjoy and be easily amused (we promise, we won’t judge you). Oh, and while you’re there, be sure to enter to a win a Hollywood studio tour for four.

Disclaimer: No bunnies were harmed in the making of this website, well.. except for that white one (Don’t click the ‘X’, uhhm…

Thanks harkatsmom for posting this freebie on the forum 🙂
Send ten e-cards and Olay Canada will send you two “Sun Awareness†charm bracelets. Bracelet quantities are limited to participants who submit 10 valid, non-duplicate e-mail addresses, while supplies last.
Click here to get your free Olay Canada Bracelets

Harvey’s updated their website at last adding information about their free Burger Day. Get a free original Harvey’s hamburger on Sunday May 25, 2008 from 10:30am till 3:00pm.
This offer is valid at participating Harvey’s restaurants in Ontario and Quebec only.
Click here for a list of participating Harvey’s restaurants

Thanks consumatrix for your lovely freebie and deal suggestions 🙂
Here’s what consumatrix said about the art cards at Banana Republic
While shopping in the Banana Republic (Pacific Centre, Vancouver), I noticed a stack of beautiful art cards at the cash.
The cashier invited me to take as many as I liked. They are black and white photographic prints of animals in Africa (elephants, lions, etc. in the wild) by photographer Andy Bigg.
The back of the card says that BR is giving away 13 different art card photos in the month of May.
This particular store only had 4 different ones out, but I’m going to check other stores for more since they are that nice.
I framed mine for my kids’ rooms in a matted frame (from IKEA) and they look amazing.
Click here to see Andy Biggs 13 images licensed by Banana Republic

Useful and simple tips on saving on Gas by Jerry Dawson of the OregonCatalyst.com
1. Turn off your engine if you are going to be idling for more than 30 seconds. Millions of gallons of fuel are wasted each day from idling. Your starter and battery system can handle the increased activity.
2. Change your air filter every 10,000 miles. Just like a marathon runner, your car needs to suck in air without restriction.
3. Install a real-time fuel consumption meter if your car does not have one already. This way, you can see what you are doing while you are driving and make the needed adjustments to save fuel.
4. Pump up those tires. Higher tire pressures result in lower rolling resistance, so your mileage will improve. Not too high, mind you, but a tad over the “recommended†from your car and tire manufacturer. Remember, they don’t want you to get good mileage.
5. Turn off your air conditioning, but only at lights or in slow traffic. When you really get going, the open windows produce drag that will offset any savings you might imagine from having the AC off.
6. Reduce the weight of your car. Remove all non-essential items from the trunk and the interior of your car. Weight takes energy to move, so the lighter your car the less energy you will lose. Keep the spare tire and the jack, but almost everything else can go. If you don’t have a family, take out the back seat. Invest in custom wheels if they are significantly lighter than the stock wheels. Carbon fiber parts (like the hood or trunk) are great, too, although they may be a bit expensive.
7. Don’t keep your gas tank full all the time. Remember, fuel equals weight and you must do everything you can to make your vehicle lighter. Keeping about a half tank or less all the time should allow for emergencies but also keep your weight down.
8. Wax your car and keep it clean and waxed. Drag (friction with the air) greatly reduces fuel economy. A clean and waxed vehicle will have reduced aerodynamic drag, thus providing better mileage. If you have a luggage rack, take it off. If you have a moon roof, keep it closed. Smooth is what you want.
9. Don’t drive a lot with a cold engine. Cold engines do not run efficiently. Use a block heater to pre-heat your engine if you are taking many short trips. If you can combine your short trips it will help, as driving further will allow your engine more operating time at higher temperatures.
10. Use cruise control whenever possible. The car’s ability to maintain a constant speed is better than your ability to do so. Small, more precise, and constant adjustments made by the car’s cruise control system will save you fuel.
Ultimately, there are other, more drastic steps you can take to save on fuel. For instance, you could ride light rail instead of driving, car pool, ride your bike, buy a high mileage car like a MINI or a Toyota Corolla, or even move closer to where you work. One other thing to consider – invest in an oil company like Exxon-Mobil or BP. As the high cost of oil swells the profits of Big Oil, you will get a share of that ill-gotten wealth as an owner of the company.

Thanks couponlady for posting this on the forum.
Receive a $10 Walmart Gift Card by mail when you purchase just $25 (before taxes) of participating brands between May 15 – July 31, 2008.
Total amount does not have to be made in a single transaction. Voucher must accompany your request.
Participating products: any size or version of
- Pantene
- Olay
- CoverGirl
- Clairol
- Pure Divine
- Venus Embrace
- Secret
- Crest products
Click here to print out the Walmart mail-in rebate form

CGet a $10 off any Gillette Fusion razor from Save.ca.
Click here to get your Gillette Fusion razor coupon
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