Pampers Canada: New Bonus Gifts to Grow 10 point code



Pampers has released a new 10 point bonus Gifts to Grow code below.Pampers has been revamping their website and apparently their gifts too. Word is the Radio Big Flyer isn’t coming back and will be replaced with a ‘Cool Car’. I’m glad I cashed mine in before the change but also curious to see the car. What do you think of the changes?


9 responses to “Pampers Canada: New Bonus Gifts to Grow 10 point code”

  1. Briannw says:

    not impressed at all that they took the radio flyer away, i finaly jsut got enough points this last week and went to cash them in and now im disapointed. I look forward to the new car. hopefully it will be good

  2. Sandra says:

    there are more rewards available on the french site….if you switch from english to french (at the bottome of the page you can do this) you get more rewards!

  3. andreawtbay says:

    hey briannw: the radio flyer is still posted on the french version (thanks sandra! great tip!) hopefully you can still get it. i just used all mine to get starbucks cards- i am not usually impressed with the amounts of points for the toys.

  4. Inna says:

    thanks for posting the code

  5. Natalka says:

    Thank you!

  6. Jess says:

    Wow, thanks Sandra for the switching to French tip, I can’t believe how much different the rewards are! But it doesn’t really make sense to me, shouldn’t it all be the same regardless of language??

  7. kitty says:

    Unfortunately, the French site will not let you sign in if you are already registered in the English site. I am also disappointed regarding the Radio Flyer. I have enough points and more but did not get around to ordering it and now it is gone. 3.5 years of collecting for the Big Flyer and when you are about to order it, it is gone!

  8. Anyone know if they are bringing back the princess desk Iwas really wanting that?

  9. Charsmom says:



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