The latest Loblaws PC Optimum Egghunt text offer is now available. Text EGGHUNT to 28767 and you will receive the latest offer, valid for two days only, March the 21st and the 22nd.
Get 3,500 PC Optimum points for every $6.49 spent on PC Naturally Smoked Bacon, or $6.99 spent on PC Naturally Smoked Flavoured Bacon 375/500g, when you present the bar code from the text offer, and your PC Optimum card is scanned as well. This may not be the best of the Egghunt text offers since it sounds like the price of the bacon is $6.49 & $6.99, and you will be getting about 50% back. The bacon has been on sale for less without any PC Optimum offers, so you may not be running to the store for this one.
There will however, be another text offer that begins on the 23rd, so stay tuned for that one!