P&G Brandsaver Coupon Flyer Contents


LADYJANE has scored an advanced copy of the P&G Brandsaver coupon flyer that’s coming out in newspapers this weekend and has kindly listed the contents for us.

$0.75 any Aussie Product
$3 WUB any 2 Cover Girl Products
$1 WUB any 1 Cover Girl Product
$0.75 WUB any Pantene base Shampoo, Conditioner, Styler, or Treatment
$2 WUB any 2 Pantene base Shampoos, 2-in-1’s or Conditioners
$1 when you buy any Pantene Restore Beautiful Lengths or Expressions Shampoo, Conditioner, Styler, or Treatment
$2 any Nice & Easy Haircolour Product
$5 WUB any 2 Nice & Easy Haircolour Products
$1 any Head & Shoulders Product
$2.50 WUB any one Head & Shoulders Shampoo or Conditioner
$1 any Old Spice Product
$3 WUB any 2 Old Spice Products
$2 Venus Embrace
$1 Satin Care
$2 Olay Quench or Ribbons Body Wash
$1 Secret Deodorant
$4 WUB any 2 Venus Embrace, Satin Care, Olay Quench, Ribbons Body Wash or Secret Deodorant
$7 WUB any 3 Venus Embrace, Satin Care, Olay Quench, Ribbons Body Wash or Secret Deodorant
$10 WUB any 2 Olay Products (above $20 each before taxes)
$2 any Olay Classic Moisturizer product
$1 Natural Instincts hair colour
$3 WUB any 2 Natural Instincts hair colour
$1 Always Infinity, Tampax Pearl or Tampax Compak Pearl
$0.75 Always Ultra Thin or Maxi, Tampax Cardboard Applicator tampons, or Always Pantiliners
$1.75 WUB any 2 Always Ultra Thin or Maxi, Tampax Cardboard Applicator tampons, or Always Pantiliners
$2.25 WUB any 2 Always Infinity, Tampax Pearl, or Tampax Compak Pearl
$0.50 Crest Pro-Health toothpaste
$1.00 any 2 Crest toothpaste 75ml or larger
$0.75 any Crest Glide floss
$1 Scope Outlast 710ml or larger
$1 any Crest rinse
$5 any Crest 3D Whitestrips
$0.50 any Crest toothpaste
$5 Oral-B Vitality
$2 any Gillette Fusion Razor
$2 any Gillette 3-bladed disposable razor
$2 Gillette Fusion ProSeries product
$5 WUB any 3 Gillette products
$1 any Gillette Deodorant or Body Wash
FREE Set & Refresh WUB any 3 Cascade, Dawn, Mr. Clean, Febreeze or Swiffer products
$2.50 Swiffer Starter Kit
$2 WUB any 2 Febreeze products
$1.50 Cascade ActionPacs
$1 WUB any 2 Mr. Clean products
$1 WUB any 2 Dawn products
$5 WUB any 2 Tide (26 Uses or Higher) or Downy (52 uses or higher)
$0.75 Duracell Coppertop
$1.25 Duracell Ultra
$5 Duracell USB charger
$2 any Duracell Hearing Aid Batteries
$0.50 Charmin Product
$0.50 Bounty Paper Towels
$0.50 Puffs product
$1.25 WUB any 2 Bounty, Charmin or Puffs
$2 any Vicks Nyquil or Dayquil
$2 any Vicks Vaporub or Babyrub product
$4 any Pampers Wipes and Diapers
$2 any Pampers Baby Dry, Swaddlers or Cruisers
$3 any Pampers Easy-Ups, Underjams or Splashers
$1 any Pampers Wipes

All coupons expire on March 31, 2011. I’m so excited for these coupons! My coupon collection has been looking pretty sad since I got rid of the Dec. 31st expiries.


42 responses to “P&G Brandsaver Coupon Flyer Contents”

  1. CICI says:

    in what news paper will they appear

  2. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Your local newspaper. It varies from city to city.

  3. CICI says:

    in qc we have many newspapers

  4. Cmoody8107 says:

    Nice – a couple good ones!

  5. CICI says:

    so which one will have the coupons

  6. Rachel says:

    I thought they would be appearing on the P&G Brandsaver site today, so far there is no new coupons..?

  7. SHY GIRL says:

    Yeah, the Gillette one is back!

  8. kiwikiwi says:

    I thought the same thing as Rachel…Wasn’t Jan 5th the day that they would be putting up new ones on their site?

  9. ann says:

    I am so happy that I will be able to fill up my cpn holder again!

  10. Elish says:

    They are up now

  11. dawn says:

    Ya they are up but good luck you think that you are ordering and than they say you only have a few of what you pick so go back in re order and again not all that you order and get this you think all is going fine when you are waiting for the order to through it logs you out . from what I can see P&G is just plain BS .

  12. Matty B. says:

    CICI, I am also from Qc. Do you have anymore info regarding what papers to check? Will it be Saturday or Sunday? I guess I’ll just thumb through all the Montreal papers, french or english …

  13. Mtlmom says:

    My dad gives me the ones that are in the Devoir and Globe & Mail, were in Montreal

  14. Diane Ly says:

    Does anyone know if the PG coupons will be in the Toronto Star or Toronto Sun?

  15. Andie says:

    CiCi, no-one else can know where you are or what your newspaper options are. You may need to look in more than one to find out which papers carry coupons in your area.

    Also, look in recycling bins (especially if you are in a building). Great way to get extra.

  16. Clippy says:

    I think the site just crashed! All I am getting is a blank page. Will try again this evening.

  17. nancy_27 says:

    is it only in the newspaper for regular subscribers?

  18. dawn says:

    You would think that with the kind of money P&G make they could do a better job with the web page .

    PS make sure the date on your coupons that you order are dated with current date a few offers back they sent me expired coupons they told me to get rid of them and they would send new ones but before they did another bone head from P&G sent me an e-mail and wonted me to send them back well lets just say I got more coupons and so far it has not happened again .

  19. rj says:

    i had trouble with ordering, as well. not all of my coupons were ordered and when i went back and tried to get them again it wasn’t adding any of them to my order. hopefully everything will work itself out but for some reason it wasn’t adding some of the better coupons to my order this morning.

  20. Ciel says:

    Have you seen what batteries cost in the Ultimate format? There may be more power but the price seems 2-3x higher too!

    Shoppers has selected Duracell items for 15% off until tomorrow but check the shelf tags.

    I had a $2 Save coupon for Energizer Ultimate but a AA4 pk was in the $18 range-out of my budget.

  21. nscouponchick says:

    It says for the save 7.00 that the re-order period is closed… 🙁

  22. erin says:

    where in nova scotia do they come in?

  23. Darlene says:

    Hi everyone, I can confirm for Brampton Ontario that they are in Today’s (Wednesday) Guardian 🙂

  24. Shanon says:

    Are we sure the coupons listed above will also be in the paper, they are the exact ones from the website, I hope so. I just started couponing and love it. I really appreciate that P&G offers coupons on both the website and paper. I have never had a problem accessing the coupons until today and I am sure that it is because so many savy shoppers are on the site.

    Dawn- we should appreciated that fact that they supply coupons do not have to offer us anything.

    Thank you P&G.

  25. mcminsen says:

    Okay, for clarity… the P&G Brandsaver coupon insert that comes in SOME newspapers or with some peoples’ flyers is coming out anytime between now and this weekend. Consult other people in your local area to find out exactly where it can be found by clicking on the LOCAL forum tab. It’s always a challenge so be resourceful. Check at McDonald’s that give out complimentary papers on the weekend. Check recycling bins. Check at the stores. Have a look in the paper before paying for it if possible.

    The Smartsource coupon insert is also scheduled to be coming out this weekend so ditto all the above for that one, too.

    The Smartsource store coupons are coming out about now, too. At least in my area (Vancouver). Check your local supermarkets and drugstores for those coupons that you get off of pads on the shelves. If you don’t see them then ask the staff if they are getting the new Smartsource coupons in. Don’t wait too long to check back at the store as they can appear and disappear quickly. A lot of coupon opportunities in the next week or so. Good luck! 🙂

  26. mcminsen says:

    Oops, one more thing. The P&G Brandsaver coupons that you get from the website (Brandsaver.ca) are supposed to be available now (from the website). I just ordered mine. Oy… 😉

  27. CarlyinCanada says:

    YAY! for new coupons!! MY coupon holder is almost empty!!! I’ll be searching the stores too!!! lol 🙂

  28. dawn says:

    Well Shanon trust me if you think there was a problem today just wait till they come in if they come in I have been doing this for a long time and of all the places I get coupons from P&G of late has problems .

  29. bojojoe says:


  30. 2jk19 says:

    Nice! I can’t wait to replenish my coupon binder! It does look very little after all the december coupons expired!

    Thanks for posting! Something to look forward to!

  31. Maggie says:

    I’m from Vancouver, does anyone know which paper they will they appeae in?

  32. TudorChick says:

    i got mine from the website.but i was wondering can i combine them with my save.ca coupons or will retailers not allow that?

  33. Dave "Featherbones" says:

    Ok. I am new to this…Are these coupons what we use on top of grocery store deals? Possibly making things ridiculously cheap or possibly free. Im not joking i am new to this. Thanks.

  34. Cheapnik says:

    I got a copy last night with my Sherwood Park News free flyers

  35. chicoj says:

    I order from the web page today and is no problem to log in

  36. Shanon says:

    Featherbones – abosulutely. Check with your local stores to find out their coupon policies, sometimes you can stack coupons.

  37. nguyen3828 says:

    For people in Mississauga, is in Mississauga News Wednesday…apparently the Pampers + Wipes coupons are cut down to $4, instead of prev $5…Olay Body Wash etc.. WUB3 cut down to $7 instead of 9, so it won’t consider a freebies anymore…good things I have lots of Save 9 WUB3 left so I will stocked those up, and hoping that there will be a sale by the end of this month…

  38. dearange says:

    I’m in Calgary and just received my P&G coupons in the free local paper ‘Neighbours’ that is distributed with the weekly flyers. I can’t remember the last time I actually got these coupons in with the flyers!

  39. coupon stacking says:

    OK so after watching extreme couponing 2 days ago i was inspired (not that i was going to dumpster dive or anything)

    Anyways, i was looking through my coupons (not the new ones that just came out, the ones before) and i have a coupon that says “Buy any Old Spice deodorant and get any Old Spice Body Wash FREE” can i combine that one with the “Save $3.00 on any two Old Spice products” ?

    the back of the coupon doesn’t say anythign about combining with any other offers…

    “Dealer: We will reimburse the face balue of coupon plus our specified handling fee provided you accept it from your customer on purchase of brand specified. Other applications constitue fraud. We in our sole discretion may refuse reimbursement where we suspect fraudulent redemption has occured. Applications for reimbursement received after 6 months from expirary date as indicated on this coupon, will not be accepted. Reimbursement will be made only to retail distributor who redeemed couon or holder of Procter & Gamble certificate of authority. For redemption mail to: …”
    then there is the french part…
    “Free product coupons: All taxes (where applicable) must be paid by the customer. All other coupons: GST/HST/QST and Provincial Sales Tax (where applicable) are included face value of coupon. P&G accepts no liability for printing errors or omissions.”


  40. dawn says:

    When they sent me coupons with the wrong date on them and I am sure I was not the only one they did accept that they were in the wrong but after a few e-mails they sent me new ones shit happens but what if I had not noticed the date and used them its me that looks like the ass at the till . Make sure you look at the date when they come in .

  41. sunshine says:

    these were found in vancouver in the $2.50 Vancouver Sun papers

  42. coupon stacking says:

    Woo hoo!
    it worked! i went to Walmart on Sunday with my 3 coupons
    1. Save $3 WUB 2 old spice products
    2. 2 X “Buy any Old Spice deodorant and get any Old Spice Body Wash FREE”

    the lady said she didn’t see why i couldnt combine the deals! So the deodorants were on sale for $2.57 x 2 ($5.14) – $3 coupon – $2.14 plus tax and i got 2 deodorants AND 2 bottles of body washes!

    Not to mention Secret deodorant was on sale for $2.57 also, and i used my save $7 wub 3 products.. $0.71+tax for 3 deodorants! double score!!


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