If Charmin bathroom tissue happens to be your preferred brand then you will certainly want to print this high value coupon available through the P&G Everyday coupon portal. Click the link below to print your coupon for $3 off any one package of Charmin bathroom tissue. Those who have printed coupons through the P&G Everyday …Read More
You can visit the SmartSource SmartCanucks Canada portal to get some new P&G coupons. Take a look at the list below to see what SmartSource SmartCanucks Canada has to offer: Save $2.00 when you buy any one Always Discreet Pads Save $2.00 when you buy any one Always Discreet Liners Save $3.00 when you buy any one …Read More
You can visit the SmartSource SmartCanucks Canada portal to get some new P&G coupons. Save on Pampers, Tide, Shampoo, Hair Care, Always & More! As with all coupons available through SmartSource portal, you are limited to 2 prints of each coupon per computer. Click here to print The SmartSource SmartCanucks Canada coupons.
You can visit the SmartSource SmartCanucks Canada portal to get some new P&G coupons. Save on Pampers, Tide, Shampoo, Hair Care, Always & More! As with all coupons available through SmartSource portal, you are limited to 2 prints of each coupon per computer. Click here to print The SmartSource SmartCanucks Canada coupons.
P&G brandPACK is here! We have an exciting offer for Canadian families: P&G has launched a NEW brandPACK! For a low price, you can try products from your favourite P&G brands such as Pampers, Tide and Swiffer. All you have to do is register at pgeveryday.ca, select a bundle and we’ll send you new goodies to try at home! Just pay shipping …Read More
Interested in testing out a new dishwashing detergent? Then look no further then P&G Canada, as they are giving away FREE samples of Cascade Platinum Dishwasher Detergent (in 2-packs). To receive this free sample you must be a member of P&G, and if you aren’t, you will first have to register and then request your …Read More
One of my favourite go-to cleaning tools, Swiffer, is currently being featured in one of SmartSource.ca’s hidden printable coupon offers. In these sneaky offers, SmartSource.ca won’t feature these coupons on their main coupon portal, but instead will hide them on the web. We have found one of these hidden coupons for you, and with it …Read More
As we mentioned before on the Smart Canucks blog, we were going to keep an eye on the updated coupons that become available with P&G Everyday Coupons so that you can always be in the know of what common household brands you could be saving cash on. Here’s a sampling of some of the recently added …Read More
Instead of doing couponing the old-fashioned way, P&G BrandSAVER Canada has decided to make the switch for a more eco-efficient way of doling out their coupons through a print-at-home system. The benefits of printing at-home versus the traditional mail-out system are many, but the biggest one is that you can pick and choose which coupons are …Read More
Saving always feels great! P&G Everyday Canada has some new printable coupons from their participating Procter & Gamble family of brands via their SmartSource powered coupon portal! Here’re some great coupons for Pampers, Crest, Vicks, Duracell, Mr. Clean,Olay, Charmin, Bounce, Bounty, Cascade, Downy, Febreze, Gain,Covergirl, Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Oral-B, Swiffer, Tide, and more. You can print …Read More
If you didn’t get a chance to request the P&G Everyday program BrandSampler FREE Sample Packs last time, now is your chance! If you did already receive or request one this period, unfortunately you will not be able to do so again. Available again is the new P&G Everyday Program brandSAMPLER FREE Sample Pack available for …Read More
Here are the coupons in the upcoming P&G Brandsaver coupon insert Household & Cleaning Save $2.50 when you buy one Bounty napkins/paper towel product AND Charmin toilet paper Save $1 when you buy two Bounty napkins or paper towels OR Charmin tolet paper or Puffs facial tissue Save $2 when you buy any Cascade ActionPacs …Read More
P&G Everyday has launched their new P&G brandSAMPLER free sample pack! Be sure to sign up or login as a P&G everyday member to request your FREE Sample Pack! Limited to one free brandSAMPLER sample pack per mailing address per offering period, valid while quantities last. This is your chance to try lots of famous …Read More
P&G Canada is having their famous warehouse sale again! These Procter and Gamble sales have huge discounts on many of your favourite brand name items (Tide, Gillette, Oral-B, Head and Shoulders, Puffs, Olay, Pantene, Venus, Swiffer, Febreze, Herbel Essences, Crest, Bounce, Downy, Tampax, Mr Clean, Gain, Revlon, L’Oreal, Dove, Axe, Almay, Jamieson, Nair, Oxy, Nivea …Read More
Hurry! The P&G Everyday Canada Program has launched a new Freebie opportunity! Sign up for P&G Everyday Program now and complete their short and simple form to request your FREE Fabric Care Sample Kit! The P&G Everyday program is an excellent program to be a part of. They often have coupons, freebies and more! Limited …Read More