P&G Everyday Canada Coupons: Save $3 On Charmin Bathroom Tissue

If Charmin bathroom tissue happens to be your preferred brand then you will certainly want to print this high value coupon available through the P&G Everyday coupon portal. Click the link below to print your coupon for $3 off any one package of Charmin bathroom tissue.

Those who have printed coupons through the P&G Everyday portal in the past will already have an account, but those new to this portal will first have to create one. Once you are signed in you can then print the coupon, and you should be able to print two copies. If you are looking to use the coupon this week, the best advertised price on Charmin is at Rexall Ontario. The triple 8 roll = 24 rolls pack is advertised for $5.77 this week, making it just $2.77 with the coupon. Metro Ontario has the 12=36 roll package advertised for $8 off at $8.99, which would make it $5.99 with the coupon.

Click here to print your coupon for $3 off the purchase of any Charmin product through the P&G Everyday portal.

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