Pizza Pizza Canada Slices For Smiles: 10″ Half Smile Pizza For $2 or Large Cheese Pizza For $6.99


Pizza Pizza Canada has brought back their annual campaign, Slices for Smiles, which since its inception in 2007 has collectively fundraised 1.65 million dollars for the Children’s Miracle Network. Last year, the fundraiser brought in 375,000 dollars and this year they aim to beat that amount, and all you have to do help them is buy pizza!

When you purchase either Pizza Pizza’s 10″ Smile Pizzas, which are only $2, or a large cheese pizza, which will only be $6.99, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Slices for Smiles campaign until May 3rd.

You will also have the option to donate some of your own money directly to the charity, should you not want to buy one of the pizza deals from the Slices for Smiles campaign.

Click here to find the nearest Pizza Pizza location to you.

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