Real Canadian Superstore Offer: FREE Small Julius Drink or FREE Small Dairy Queen Blizzard With Cheerios Purchase!

dairyqueencheeriosHead into your local Real Canadian Superstore and keep your eyes peeled for the specially marked 460g Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal Boxes!

Inside these specially marked boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal at RCSS you will receive one of the following free product coupons:

  • A coupon for a FREE Small Orange Julius Drink in April or June 2014
  • A coupon for a FREE Small Blizzard from Dairy Queen in May 2014.

Ice cream might not sound exciting right now.. but I am sure as the weather warms up this will be an excellent freebie offer.. not that anyone complains about FREE ice cream or smoothies in the first place.

Click here to find a Real Canadian Superstore location near you.

8 responses to “Real Canadian Superstore Offer: FREE Small Julius Drink or FREE Small Dairy Queen Blizzard With Cheerios Purchase!”

  1. sarah says:

    I’ll only complain that last year you got BOTH on each box.

  2. Shelby says:

    In what world is that an $8 value?

  3. Scarecrow says:

    Loved last year’s promo where we got both, they were perfect, but ya how is a small of each $8?

  4. ab says:

    Hopefully the DQ/Orange Julius stores are on board this time! Last time mine were wasted because I couldnt find a place that was actually accepting these!!!!

  5. sShirnette says:

    What are the contents of the orange Julius? What does it taste like? I’ve never had it before.

    • Miss Sunshine says:

      I am not sure what the contents of the Orange Julius are, they are all different for different flavours. They are delicious though!

  6. Scarecrow says:

    I checked my store and it says BOTH coupons are on the box not just one.


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