By now, almost everyone has heard about the mysterious and concerning CCD – Colony Collapse Disorder – happening around the world and hurting one of nature’s most cherished workers: the honey bee. Cheerios Canada has decided to not be a complacent bystander in solving this pressing issue, and so has launched the #BringBackTheBees campaign. In this …Read More
Life Made Delicious – General Mills Canada is having another Cheerios promotion where you can get a $1 off coupon and a chance to have your baby on a box of Cheerios cereal! All you have to receive the coupon is upload a photo of your little one enjoying their first Cheerios to their first …Read More
Some of our forum members have found this great deal at Target today. Buy a multipack of Cheerios (one box of regular Cheerios and one of Multi Grain Cheerios) for $7 and get a coupon for a free pack of Market Pantry Grade A Large Eggs valid until September 30th. These multipacks are $8 or …Read More
Head into your local Real Canadian Superstore and keep your eyes peeled for the specially marked 460g Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal Boxes! Inside these specially marked boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal at RCSS you will receive one of the following free product coupons: A coupon for a FREE Small Orange Julius Drink in April …Read More
This Tuesday July 16th is the day to redeem your coupon for a free box of Honey Nut Cheerios Hearty Oat Crunch or Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster delight cereal. The cereal seems to be readily available in stores so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding it. Have you spotted the cereal in your …Read More
Thanks to forum member debragirl31 for the heads up on this one. Keep an eye out for specially marked boxes of Cheerios 400g. These boxes will have a PIN redeemable for a free product coupon. You will have a choice of 10 products, including Fibre1 cereal, Honey Nut Cheerios Hearty Oat, Nature Valley Protein …Read More
Upload a photo of your little one enjoying their first Cheerios to the Cheerios Mosaic, and you will gain access to a coupon for $1 off the purchase of Cheerios through By submitting a photo, your baby is also entered for a chance to be featured on a box of Cheerios in Spring 2014. …Read More
Check your email! If you had previously obtained the Buy One Get One Free coupon for new Peanut Butter Cheerios, check your email for your link to the coupon for a free box. You will need to select four coupons in order to have the coupon mailed to you. This time around, the coupon is …Read More
Yet another new coupon is available through today. Save .50 when you buy 2 Chocolate, Apple Cinnamon or Banana Nut Cheerios with this hidden coupon. There is no option to print this coupon, but click here to order it by mail.
Save $1 on Cheerios with this new coupon available through the Life Made Delicious portal. Click here to order yours!
The coupon for $1 off the purchase of Cheerios is once again available through the General Mills Life Made Delicious portal. Click here to order yours.
Celebrate and share your child’s first Cheerios by uploading a picture to the 2012 First Cheerios Mosaic through the General Mills Life Made Delicious Facebook page. The first 1000 to upload a photo will receive a coupon for a FREE box of Cheerios
Websaver has a great coupon for $1 off Cheerios or Oatmeal Crisp. My kids just love Cheerios. What is your favourite? I like the Banana Nut Cheerios the best. Click here to order your $1 off Cheerios coupon.