We have a no tax Saturday to look forward to at Real Canadian Superstore Ontario in the upcoming week. On this one day only, save the tax on all items in the Home, Electronics, Toys, Healthy & Beauty, Cosmetics, Pharmacy, and Joe Fresh Apparel departments.
Also, don’t forget to save any of your personal offers that you could use in conjunction with this to further your savings! For example, I often have a toy offer for 200 PC Optimum points per dollar, and a Kitchenware offer for 200 PC Optimum points per dollar. Getting 20% back in points and saving the 13% tax is a total savings of 33%.
The Instant Pot is advertised for $99.98, and would be a great deal with no tax on Saturday, and if you could use some extra pillow, Everyday Essentials pillow are just $5 each, with no tax on Saturday.
Click here to view the Real Canadian Superstore Ontario that begins on Thursday of this week.