Rexall Ontario Printable Coupon: 80 Air Miles When You Spend $40 Monday-Thursday


While Rexall are offering 50 Air Miles when you spend $50 or more this weekend, Air Miles have this Rexall coupon to help you earn even more if you wait and shop Monday through Thursday.  Spend $40 or more on almost anything in the store and earn 80 Air Miles (about $8.40 in Air Miles Cash).

The Rexall flyer does include a number of three day sales that end on Sunday, so you will have to decide if it is better for you to save more buying those (but spend more and get less Air Miles) or earn more Air Miles by paying more for these items.  The three day sales include 12pk Coca-Cola, Arm & Hammer laundry detergent, Savvy Home paper towel, Colgate toothpaste/brushes, SpeedStick, Olay and more.  Click here to view the flyer.

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