If you will be needing a stage 2 car seat in the near future then you may already be on the lookout for a great deal on one, and here is a fantastic deal from Shop.ca. The Snugli Harnessed Booster is 40% off in the camo pattern, and now $137.40, or 48% off in the pin stripe pattern, now $124.31, with shipping being free on either of these items.
These are already great prices, however it gets better with a couple of coupon codes that are currently available. Take $50 off $125 with the coupon code RMN50OFF125JUNE, or $40 off $100 with the coupon code RMN40OFF100JUNE. So, if you use the $50 code on the camo patterned Snugli seat, the price drops to $87.40, and with the $40 code, the pin striped patterned version drops to $84.31.
The Evenflo Maestro Harness Booster is regularly $119 and is also available through Shop.ca. Seeing as I need one stage 2 seat now and will need another in the not so distant future, I actually purchased two of these in two transactions, using one code for each, adding a small item to bring the second transaction up to $125 and apply the $50 code. If you do that, the cost of the Evenflo Maestro Booster becomes just $75 + taxes, and of course shipping is free.
Click here to shop booster seats at Shop.ca.