Shoppers Drug Mart: Christie Crackers $0.49 With Coupon (August 22 – 23 Only)


This weekend at Shoppers Drug Mart, Christie cookies and crackers are on sale for $0.99 (Limit 4, after limit $1.49, selected types). If you have the Buy 2 Save $1 on Christie Crackers coupon, you can get them for only $0.49 each. If you’re doing the Bonus Redemption, then it’ll be free for you! Great time to stock up for back-to-school for the kiddies!

Click here to view the SDM (ON) August 21 – 27, 2010 flyer.

Thank you to fayemercier for posting the flyer!

15 responses to “Shoppers Drug Mart: Christie Crackers $0.49 With Coupon (August 22 – 23 Only)”

  1. STyler says:

    Thanks for the tip! Where can I find the coupon?

  2. kekes says:

    I agree, where was the coupon??? ;(

  3. Poirot says:

    I found the coupon at the Coop.

  4. missbobloblaw says:

    Any word if this sale is out west as well?

  5. Poirot says:

    I would bet the crackers will be $1.49 at the Shoppers Drug Mart in Alberta.

  6. BargainHuntingTeacher says:

    Any suggestions for stores in Ontario that have this coupon?

  7. 7mountains says:

    Anyone know where to find the coupon in BC?? THKX

  8. Gilly says:

    I found the coupons at Sobeys (i am in alberta).

  9. couponfreak says:

    found them in Sobeys and I think I saw them at IGA too so I’d check any affiliates of that chain…Also there was a store one at superstore not sure if they still have them

  10. missbobloblaw says:

    I’ve found the coupons at Zellers and Sobeys in the West.

  11. couponfreak says:

    the Ritz crackers are going to be 1.49 for first 4 and 1.99 after that and for the rest of the week (sale is only the usual Sunday Monday)

  12. theweave says:

    Wow that is a great deal! I will have to keep an eye out for the coupon and steal it from another store and beeline it for SDM on Sunday!!!! Thank you for this as we don’t get our flyers for them until Friday!

  13. Jen says:

    thank you thank you!! I was going to buy them today at Food Basics for $1.67 but I think I can wait!!!

  14. bambinoitaliano says:

    In Ontario it’s 99 cents limit of 4 after $1.49 on Sunday and Monday.

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