Smart Canucks Canada Free Giveaway: dudley Canada

You’re all familiar with dudley right? You know, the combination locks. The odds are good you’ve used one. Well, these days dudley is way more than just combination locks! dudley makes sport locks (bikes, snowboards, etc.) and some cool innovative combination locks—like one with letters instead of numbers! They’ve also added a line of fun and useful locker accessories to their product offering, as well as back-to-school items like backpacks.

The backpack is one of dudley’s latest endeavours and it exclusive to Staples Canada (arriving in stores any day now!) and Smart Canucks has their very own to give away to one of our lucky readers! dudley has provided us with a prize pack valued at $150! It includes their new backpack (avail. in 5 colours, winners choice!) and a bunch of dudley swag and merchandise.

All you have to do to enter the contest is:

-give them a “like” on Facebook

-“follow” them on Twitter

visit their website:  Find your favourite item (and colour!)

Leave a comment in this post saying what you’ve liked, followed or visited and that will be your entry ballot! Contest runs thru July 20th 2012.

Rules and Regulations:

  • Unless otherwise stated one entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • Age of majority only
  • Canada only no purchase is necessary to enter, odds of winning are dependent on number of entries received.
  • Contest ends July 20th 2012 at 11:59 pm(est) and the winner will be announced shortly after potential winner answers a skill testing question.
  • You must use a valid email so I can contact you with details on how to claim your prize. Persons who enter with an alias(fake) email will forfeit their prize and a new winner will be drawn.

Are you a business who wants to featured in one of our giveaways? Email me at Sally@ (omit spaces)

Winners drawn using unless otherwise stated.

232 responses to “Smart Canucks Canada Free Giveaway: dudley Canada”

  1. Anas says:

    Liked and visited site.

  2. couponer2 says:

    Liked them on facebook and liken their new black backpack.

  3. icemistca says:

    I have liked, followed, and visited their site. I like the flare in red.

  4. Tara says:

    I visited the site, followed and liked on facebook. I like the claw product in pink.

  5. Eric says:

    Followed and visited site. I like the good old “Standar.” Had one standard lock for my locker from grade 7 to 12. Actually, I still have the lock (graduated in ’99, so yeah, long-lasting). Eventually I completely forgot the combination and just opened it by remembering the pointer’s position.

  6. LMD says:

    I liked their Facebook page and visited their website. I like The Flare lock, with its built-in LED light, too.

  7. JR says:

    i like the claw lock in blue, liked and followed

  8. jen kiss says:

    i picked the kit in lime green i also liked and followed

  9. Anne says:

    I’ve liked and followed. I really like the claw in green because not only is it practical, it’s stylish!

  10. Heather says:

    Liked and visited their site and am liking their new backpack in basic black.

  11. michelle says:

    Liked their facebook page and visited the site. I like THE FLARE in green 🙂

  12. Janetta says:

    I liked and visited their site. I like The Kit in black!

  13. mouse7649 says:

    I have liked and am loving The Kit and the new back packs!

  14. Frugallady19 says:

    I liked.. and visited their website… I really like the The Claw in all the colours… If I really had to choose I would take black!

  15. Jonathan says:

    Like them on FB, and visited their website. Black backpack.

  16. Tara says:

    Liked and visited website. Love the black backpack!

  17. Kristin says:

    Liked and followed, I like the yellow backpack

  18. spietz says:

    I liked and also visited their website! All kinda neat!

  19. Jeff says:

    I have liked, followed, and visited their how have locks changed

  20. Michelle says:

    I have visited their site. I like the backpack in black.

  21. Anna says:

    I liked, and visited their website. There are so many options ! But I really like the standard lock & locker accessories I plan to get for my boyfriend’s sister for the next year 🙂

  22. army_girl29 says:

    I like the claw in Pink, liked on facebook!

  23. Gina says:

    I liked them on facebook and visited their website. Following them on twitter also.

  24. ilovegratis says:

    Liked and visited and I like their new backpack in basic black.

  25. GeorgiaK says:

    Liked on Facebook and visited their website. Love the locker kit.

  26. Brenda says:

    Liked + Followed
    I like the Flare in blue, then I could finally lock up my bike properly

  27. Jul says:

    Claw mini black would be great. Also liked The Kit for use with lockers – green.

  28. Wendy H says:

    Love the Clauw in green!! My son would go crazy for this.

  29. Sarah P says:

    Liked and then visited website. Backpacks look pretty cool. My favorite is their standard lock though, used them forever, those things are tanks!!

  30. Digi says:

    I liked (but no Twitter), and The Claw looks so cool.

  31. Ivan says:

    I have liked, followed, and visited their site. I like the flare in blue.

  32. luc_anna says:

    I have liked, followed and visited. 🙂

  33. kay says:

    I checked out the website and like the mini claw lock!

  34. GG says:

    Liked and followed… my fav is The Flare!

  35. CS says:

    Following… cool giveaway! green is my fave colour… so I’d like that one. Their locks are awesome – so I’m expecting the packs are too.

  36. PINKROSE says:

    I liked and am really likingThe Kit and the back packs!

  37. alicia says:

    I liked and followed. I love the claw mini in the bright blue colour!

  38. nisiepie says:

    website, the backpack in blue

  39. cdnchk says:

    I have a difficult time choosing between the blue and black backpack when I look on their website; they’re both super cute. It might come down to a coin toss!

  40. Rick Shaw says:

    I liked the black backpack…soooo kewl

  41. Jenny says:

    I’ve liked and followed Dudley even before the giveaway! My favourite product is gonna have to be the LG2 series. I have been using LG2 locks since middle school!

  42. luisa says:

    I have followed them and visited their site. Like the blue backpack.

  43. Marisa says:

    I have liked and visited their website. (don’t have twitter)

  44. Crystal says:

    Visited their site. I like the classic black backpack!

  45. rudie75 says:

    I liked, followed and visited the dudley website, and I like the claw mini, looks pretty nifty!

  46. Jas s says:

    I’ve Liked them on FB … visited their website and what ~!I really <3 is the RED Backpack~~I find it super cute\m/~!

  47. AiLi says:

    Liked, followed and visited their site. Love their claw product in blue. Looks like a steady lock unlike the ones I have had it the past that caused me to lose my bike ): bummer.. but looks like this look will do the trick to keeping my bike safe!

  48. Tvguide says:

    Check out their website. I like the Flare in pink.

  49. David Huang says:

    I liked their Facebook, followed their Twitter, and visited their website. My favourite product is The Claw in red.

  50. Lynette says:

    I checked out the dudley website. I like the claw in green.

  51. cindy_og says:

    My son would love the blue Claw!
    Liked them on facebook and visted their website
    Had no idea they were still around!

  52. spiritedside says:

    Loved the unnamed backpack in pink!

  53. Alicia says:

    I “liked” Dudley on Facebook and visited their website. I really like the black mini claw.

  54. ccmskates says:

    I’ve liked, I’m following, and I’ve visited!
    I didn’t find it on the website, but I love the look of the new backpacks. I like the blue colour the best. My son would love it if you came out with an orange one!

  55. lavenderplum says:

    liked the site and visited the website…loven “the flare”.

  56. Pavan says:

    Liked on facebook, and followed on twitter! I like the Dudley Claw in black!

  57. brianne says:

    Visited.. Love the claw in blue!

  58. Anna says:

    Nice backpacks! Loved the site.

  59. Nayya says:

    Sometimes I think I should get on facebook just for freebies and contest like these :s tho I really hate facebook.
    Anyway.. I like the claw in blue! or green! or pink!

  60. meghan says:

    I’ve liked, I’m following, and I’ve visited!
    I didn’t find it on the website, but I love the look of the new backpacks.

  61. wendyjane says:

    I love the locker kit and the funky bike lock – liked on FB

  62. jeevan says:

    i did all the three

  63. olivercat says:

    I “liked” them–and I like the black backpack–saw them ar Staples– not on the site (yet?) but I think they will be a great item for them!

  64. Bastet13 says:

    Liked the facebook page, followed on twitter, and like the LG2

  65. Jellybean says:

    liked, following and visited!!

  66. Tara says:

    Liked and I like their locker kit in blue!

  67. James says:

    Went to the website, loved thier backpacks.

  68. D says:

    Liked an followed.
    Saw the claw and really like that!


  69. Judy says:

    Liked on Facebook, and Followed on Twitter.
    Also, my favourite item would be a Pink HOOK. It holds up to 15 lbs?! That’s crazy awesome!

  70. Bre Ripplinger says:

    Liked, Followed (created a twitter account just for you)
    Saw the Claw and LOVE it
    I like the green one

  71. RedEng says:

    I liked them on FB.

  72. Narathip W. says:

    I like the SCHOOL SERIES DYRP300.

  73. Narathip W. says:

    Liked them on FB.

  74. Narathip W. says:

    Followed them on Twitter.

  75. mary says:

    liked, followed, visited. my favourite are the pink and black one

  76. fany11 says:

    Liked, and would love a black backpack

  77. Ceren says:

    liked them on facebook and visited their website. I like the clow mini in pink 🙂

  78. Nico says:

    I have liked and visited the website as well as following. I really like the Kit!

  79. Nerini says:

    Visited the website and lovedd the pink and red backpacks.. so chic

  80. nic says:

    visited their site and am luvin’ thE black back pack!!

  81. Heather says:

    I liked them on Facebook….visited their website. I like the Claw in blue.

  82. ellyskid says:

    liked them on facebook and visited their site and really like the mini claw in blue

  83. HALDTH says:

    Liked on facebook
    Followed on twitter

    My favorite item is the claw mini in blue

  84. shiningmoon says:

    Liked them on facebook 🙂

  85. SweetPanda says:

    Liked them on Facebook (Precilla N.)

    Follow them on twitter (@PandaSweetSweet)

    I love The Claw bike lock in pink

  86. David says:

    Followed, and I like the backpack in black.

  87. Darryl says:

    I visited the site, followed on twitter and liked on facebook. I like the LG2 locks, they are snazzy.

  88. Andreea says:

    I visited the site, followed on Twitter and liked on facebook. I like the claw lock in blue.

  89. MJ says:

    Liked. I like the black backpack 🙂

  90. Asma says:

    liked and followed! used dudley as a child too. love the new back pack in plain old black!

  91. Vanessa Bergeron says:

    liked, followed, and loving the Claw

  92. kerry says:

    I liked them on Facebook,couldn’t figure out how to tweet them on the contest page.I like the blue backback.I used a dudley lock all through high school,and lost it when my bike was stolen,about 10 years ago,I bought another one at Shoppers for $1 ,when the school supplies where marked down for clearance,last year.

  93. Crystal Hu says:

    I followed and like their stationary! Super Cute!

  94. Margie says:

    liked and visited the site very much liked the site

  95. Jaylyn says:

    Visited the site and know my son would love the blue for school.

  96. Melissa13 says:

    Visted and am following. The Claw in pink looks super handy and also really like the backpacks (pink or blue).

  97. Ribbons says:

    Visited and liked the site. Lots of great stuff. I like the claw and mini-claw among other great products

  98. Mitch says:

    i like the claw lock in blue, liked on FB!

  99. April says:

    I liked the FB page and now follower on Twitter. Love the classic black, and red as well.

  100. Rupi says:

    Liked on facebook and really like the black backpack.

  101. Burcu says:

    I like LG2 in orange

    liked them and followed them

  102. crazymama says:

    loved the claw ,,, visited the website

  103. Kassandra Peters says:

    Liked and visited Dudley. Love there products and the new line of stuff there coming out with. If I would win I would defintely be using it for college.

  104. Macmomma says:

    liked and viewed their site…love the variety

  105. Rachel says:

    Liked them on Facebook …. love the claw in green

  106. LN says:


  107. Jennifer says:

    Visited their website and like Flare in silver & the mini claw in green –
    would definitely put to good use!


  108. Jen W. says:

    Liked on FB, like the Black backpack

  109. chana says:

    liked and followed i like the black backpack best

  110. Nancy says:

    I liked the page and visited the website. The product we’re in need of right now is “The Claw” for my kids’ bikes.


  111. Kimberly says:

    I liked the page on facebook, followed your twitter and went to the wonderful website. I like the claw in green.

    thank you 🙂

  112. Kevin says:

    I like the Back Pack in Blue as well as the kit in Blue

  113. Janel says:

    I am a student so everything that dudley creates I like because it helps me in many ways!!

  114. Leah says:

    I like “the claw”. Such a funky look for a practical item

  115. Bernie says:

    Liked / Followed and going all red with black as a backup.


  116. Sunshine says:

    I liked them on FB, and checked out their website…and I still have my lock from high school, even though I graduated 22 years ago. hehe.

  117. Jenno says:

    Visited the Dudley website & like the blue backpack…perfect for one of my sons!
    They attach my old classic Dudley lock to it!

  118. damsle says:

    Liked and visited…Dudley’s been around for a long time. I like the fact that their now into back packs. Sounds like durability to me….

  119. Scubabare says:

    Liked them on Facebook, followed and visited the site. I’m thinking I love a lot of these items and could use more than one… However my pick is the awesome bag in any colour, or perhaps black is best. Thank you for this great contest.

  120. dodgeramcountrychic says:

    Dudley’s definitely got some new, exciting things for high school students. It almost makes me wish I could back to high school. I would really like the Kit in pink. That erasable white board is so useful.

  121. Tania Vialls says:

    Dudley has excellent products and with 3 kids I am always looking for new school supplies that will last the whole year 🙂

  122. Patty says:

    Personally I LOVE the LG2, but for my kids the locker kit would be awesome…Really they have a lot of new exciting things!

  123. Jill says:

    I liked on Facebook! All Dudley products are great quality!! I love that I used them as a kid, and now my son gets to enjoy them as well!!

  124. elissa says:

    Checked out the website and like the backpacks and locker kit.

  125. lisa bolduc says:

    i like them on facebook

  126. smartmama says:

    Checked out the website. The claw in lime green is perfect for my bike.

  127. Scott says:

    Visited website and followed on twitter

  128. Maritess says:

    Liked them on facebook and checked out their website. I like the claw and the claw mini in pink 🙂

  129. Josephine says:

    Liked and followed. I like the black backpack.

  130. Colin the new IT guy says:

    I like the backback in blue

  131. Brandy says:

    I liked on FB, followed on Twitter. Checked out their website. Love the new backpack (blue would be my choice) and other than the good ol’ standard lock I love the flare & claw!

  132. occy says:

    loving the flare in blue!

  133. SMacDonald says:

    Went on their sight and love the new white backpack and cool locker kits packs!

  134. Carole says:

    Liked on facebook and checked out the website.

  135. Pandora says:

    I have followed and “liked” them. I love the backpack in piunk and the locker kit in black!

  136. Pandora says:

    That was supposed to say pink, oops

  137. itsmewhoelse says:

    I have liked and followed.
    I also like the Kit in green!

  138. Quetzelle says:

    I have visited their site and I “liked” the Claw Mini in blue.

  139. FunShopper says:

    I checked out their website. Cool stuff.

  140. birendra says:

    did everything as said………………

  141. Anna says:

    I have liked, followed, and visited their site. Flare in blue looks nice 🙂

  142. Talia says:

    visited the site, followed and liked on facebook. I like the claw product in blue.

  143. Ellen says:

    Liked and visited. I like the backpack in black.

  144. ottgrrl says:

    liked on facebook and also LOVE the claw mini in pink! this would be great for my daughter entering her first year of high school

  145. Anu Chopra says:

    I liked them on facebook, and am now following them on twitter and have chosen the claw mini in blue as my favorite item on their website.

  146. Ann says:

    I liked them on facebook. I don’t have Twitter. Love Dudley locks. I use one now on my school locker!

  147. Veronica says:

    Went to website…like the flare in red

  148. Dinglehopper says:

    My fav. is the good ol’ LG2 – I like all of the patterns!

  149. Bargain Kitty says:

    I visited dudley Canada’s web site. Love their high security combination locks! Thanks for another great giveaway!

  150. Catherine K says:

    Liked and visited. This is the only brand I ever used when in school.

  151. honeydoo says:

    backpack in white!

  152. honeydoo says:

    oh and liked on FB

  153. 1Dfan says:

    FLARE in BLUE!

  154. Becky says:

    Liked on Facebook Becky L.
    Follow on twitter @lovebug_85
    I like the claw in pink

  155. Marcus says:

    Followed them on Twitter 😀

  156. judy folk says:

    Like the Blue Pack

  157. Kim says:

    Liked Dudley on Facebook
    Follwed Dudley on Twitter
    Checked out their website, and my favorite item is The Kit. Comes with everything a student would need for back-to-school ! (Although one critique I have it to make the board thinner because it won’t fit on the inside of my locker ): )
    Thanks !

  158. Rebecca says:

    Like the backpacks and blue is my favourite colour

  159. I love the claw in pink! I liked them on Facebook and following on Twitter.

  160. Jackie says:

    I used their Standard lock in jr high & all throughout high school. I’m in love with the Claw Mini in pink and the backpack in blue. I’ve liked them on Facebook, following @dudleylocks on twitter, & visited their website!

  161. Claudine says:

    I liked on facebook and visited the website, I like the black Claw

  162. Kelly Krol says:

    Like, Followed & visited their website:o)

  163. aisha says:

    Liked their facebook page and visited the site. I like the flare in green

  164. Kay says:

    Dudley locks are amazing still have a functional one from 10 years ago! and i still use it! visited their website and they are still making amazing stuff!

  165. RL says:

    Liked on fb and visited the website. Love the white backpack.

  166. Sam says:

    I like them on Facebook, follow them on twitter and love the Essentials in pink.

  167. Samantha says:

    Liked and visited the site … Love the claw in lime green.

  168. Patricia says:

    Liked, following, and loving The Claw in green!

  169. Rachel says:

    I LIKED the Facebook page..and visited theIr site. They have some amazing new products, especially their new back pack as well as their accessories!!!

  170. Rachel says:

    Oops forgot to mention color preference…my daughter really liked the pink and my son the orange colored one!! So either one! Then I will have to go out and by whichever one I don’t win!!! 🙂

  171. NT says:

    I visited the website. I like the name and the look of the ‘Claw’. Lime is a cool colour.

  172. vivian says:

    All done! The hot pink claw mini looks awesome! My kids would love these.

  173. Courtney says:

    Liked on FB and visited the site! I am loving “The Kit” in pink!

  174. CandyP says:

    Visited the website and FB. This would be a great prize pack for my grandson; he’s starting Jr. High this year.

  175. KG says:

    I liked their page on Facebook and I really like their gray/black backpack. That looks super swell. I hope I win coz I really need a backpack right about now… one I have has holes in it….

  176. michelle says:

    i like the claw lock in blue, liked and followed

  177. Lee Pearson says:

    Facebook fan of Dudley Canada and I follow them on Twitter as
    chinook92. I like the flare lock because it would be perfect when I go on my long bike rides. I like that it has a light! I think the shape of the lock is perfect for quickly securing my bike when I need to. Thank you for this nice contest.

  178. The Claw in Black is sleek!

    Dudley is liked 🙂

  179. Lori says:

    I like the claw in blue

  180. Caroline says:

    I liked, followed, and I love the claw in aqua blue. Hope to get one.

  181. Mark says:

    Visited the site…Lot’s of cool stuff!

  182. Brie says:

    Liked & followed. I like the flare in green!!

  183. brianne says:

    I follow them on twitter! This backpack looks really cool!

  184. Ricky Katyal says:

    I like the blue backpack. I did everything.

  185. Ro says:

    Visited the Dudley site – love their black backpack! 🙂

  186. Jenn says:

    Visited their site. Like the Flare, anything that’s out of the ordinary is a big win for us. My sons love anything that lights up. Since my oldest bike to school and the youngest will be joining him soon, it’ll be something nice to have. Love the backpacks as well, can’t wait to see them in the store. Would love to see them in their true colours and to check out their durabilities because a lots of backpacks out there can’t even last a year for us.

  187. Super Mel says:

    Visited the site and could totally use the LG2 Lock or Claw mini (Blue!). It would make it way easier to find my work locker which changes daily (there is about 100!)

  188. I liked on Facebook (
    Followed on Twitter (@chrisroundell)
    My favourite item is the Claw in black.

  189. natasha says:

    I like this one:


    -because of the extra shackling!


  190. Cindy says:

    I liked and visited their site. I don’t have Twitter though so hopefully I still count! Favourite item is The Flare in Blue.

  191. Patrick says:

    I have ‘liked’, ‘followed’ and visited the website. I really like the blue backpack.

  192. Cindy M. says:

    I liked them on Facebook and visited their website. The lime green mini claw is neat. The backpacks are also pretty cool looking.

  193. Cindy says:

    I liked their site – have always used and trusted their locks. Would pick the black backpack.

  194. CJWORLD says:

    Liked Dudley on Facebook and am following them on Twitter. Checked out their website and with being into cycling, really liked their line of bike locks, especially The Claw !

  195. itsjustmebub says:

    followed on twitter.
    i loved the locker items, the claw and the keeper sets. in purple! although my kids would likely prefer the blue 🙂

  196. D says:

    I like the Standard. Always used these and I need another after forgetting the combination.

  197. Londia says:

    like them on Facebook= Londia Smith Berk

    follow them on Twitter= silverneon2000

    visited their website and i like the Claw Mini in the bright green and great to keep things safe.

    silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com

  198. MikeC says:

    Liked them on Facebook.

  199. Sarah says:

    I like them on Facebook, and following them on Twitter.
    My favourite item is: LG2 under school life, because it is such a versatile product and can be used on gym lockers, bags, school lockers to name a few!

  200. honeydoo says:

    i see on their FB a lot of ppl are commenting there, i dont think the entry counts on fB?

  201. Mark says:

    Liked them on facebook, followed on twitter and like their new black backpack.

  202. Adam says:

    Liked on facebook, followed on twitter and like their claw mini in black

  203. Elizabeth Matthiesen says:

    liked on FB, followed on Twitter and visited website.
    Really like The Claw in black

  204. Jordan says:

    Liked on Facebook and Followed on Twitter. I really like the style of the backpacks, and especially the black one. Cheers and remember to share!

  205. Tiffany says:

    Liked followed and loved the new red backpack

  206. Love dudley locks and love the backpack in blue!

  207. DMaria says:

    Loved backpacks! Great site.

  208. Insane says:

    I visited their site. I love the claw!

  209. julie says:

    I like the pink backpack and I “liked” their Facebook page.

  210. Linda says:

    Liked and visited, like the pink claw

  211. star says:

    Liked on facebook. I like the claw mini in blue, it would match my luggage!

  212. Ella says:

    Liked on FB, Twittered and website – The Kit in pink

  213. Eileen says:

    I liked the claw in blue, liked and followed 🙂

  214. frank says:

    Liked on FB, followed on Twitter, visited- pick black backpack.

  215. Carrie says:

    Visited the site.. I like the Flare in BLUE !!

  216. MyCupcake says:

    Like’d them on FB 🙂

  217. Miranda says:

    I followed and visited website. Like The Kit in pink!

  218. Jay Tee says:

    Liked, followed, and visited their site!

  219. Tracy says:

    I like on Facebook and followed on Twitter 🙂
    Went to the site and especially like The Claw in black!

  220. Trish says:

    I visited their site and would love a Claw or Flare. Maybe 1 for each family member!

  221. Sylvia says:

    Visited their site and liked The Claw Mini in blue.

  222. Natasha says:

    Loving the Kit in Green! Liked, shared, and Loving Dudley brand.

  223. ashley says:

    Liked the FB pagea nd visited their site, and i LOVE the Claw in black!!

  224. Kyla says:

    I liked on facebook and followed on Twitter. I would love the claw in turquoise 🙂

  225. chillin_in_BC says:

    I ‘liked’ them on face book and followed them on twitter. I like the very funky styles of “The claw”…it’s super cute in lime green =)

  226. Sunshine G says:

    Liked on FB, followed on Twitter as sgudlaug and like the blue claw!

  227. karen says:

    liked and visited. i like the claw in pink.

  228. hana.z says:

    I liked and visited their site.I pick the blue backpack.

  229. Andrea says:

    I have liked, followed and visited. I like The Claw in green. Thank you!

  230. cara says:

    I visited the website and browsed locker accessories. I like the bag in blue

  231. Connie says:

    Liked and followed on Twitter. Loving the claw mini in pink.

  232. VN says:

    Like, followed, The Claw (black)


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