SPC Weekly Perks and $10 Gift Card with Purchase

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Thanks to divaonadime for bring the weekly perks promotion to our attention.

This week’s extra deals for all those with a SPC card are:

Guess Exclusive SPC Customer Appreciation Event (retail store)
Pre-sale Exclusive for SPC holders: August 21, 2009

All Customers: August 22-23, 2009
20% off regular priced merchandise
50% off sale priced merchandise

Lucky Brand Jeans (retail store)
August 19-23, 2009
10% off sale priced merchandise
30% off regular priced merchandise

CHAMPS (retail store)
Download coupon from SPC site
10% off sale priced merchandise
30% off regular priced merchandise

River Island Grand Opening (Vaughan Mills Mall)
August 26-31, 2009
Buy One Item, Get One 50% off + 20% off your entire purchase with your SPC

In addition to these weekly deals, SPC is giving away a $10 gift card from your choice of Best Buy, Bluenotes, Esprit, Jean Machine or Pizza Hut with your SPC card purchase online.  The SPC card is currently priced at $8.50 online.

For more information on these deals please click here.

One response to “SPC Weekly Perks and $10 Gift Card with Purchase”

  1. FunkyMunky says:

    when I went in to Guess today I was told the 20% discount is only for GUESS List members (their loyalty card) and that they stopped doing SPC discounts

    I just checked the SPC card booklet – GUESS is indeed not longer part of SPC discount list!

    but she signed me up for their loyalty card on the spot and I got the 20% off no problem 🙂 very nice ladies at Bay/Bloor location

    But I will email SPC about this – they’re missadvertising the discount..


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