Spooked by High Energy Prices? Save Money with these Tips

Halloween Canada

Halloween is nearly here, and the days are getting shorter. Does the prospect of high energy prices this winter make your blood run cold? Google has a few nifty tips on saving a substantial amount of money by following simple steps.

Click here to check out Google’s Energy Saving Tips

2 responses to “Spooked by High Energy Prices? Save Money with these Tips”

  1. nsangel says:

    hey boo..this is NEAT. i’m saving almost $300 a year doing what i’m doing and i din’t know! (installed a prog thermostat last year.).

    i’m since i’m so HOT, i can stand it as low as 57 degrees 🙂

    no wonder the oilman never recognizes me…

  2. joany says:

    I have started using simple here in London to save energy.

    One of them is turning off all lights and not leaving anything on standby.

    I bet you knew this already?


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