Super Smash Bros. Brawl only $29.99 on

Are you one of the few Wii owners out there that still haven’t picked up Super Smash Bros Brawl? If price is what was holding you back, has removed your roadblock. Normally retailing for $49-$59 at most major retailers, Amazon has the title on sale for $29.99. No word on how long this price is going to be on for, so I’d snag it up soon if you’re interested.

Wondering if it’s any good? Yours truly penned a review of it back when it launched. You can read it here.

3 responses to “Super Smash Bros. Brawl only $29.99 on”

  1. Adam says:

    Whoa, what a deal! I’m buying it right now!!! Thanks 😀

  2. Brad Mills says:

    Bought it! They offered me super saver shipping (free shipping) if I bought $9 more but the only thing I could think to get was $20 lol – I’m a sucker for deals…paid $15 extra to save $5 on shipping

  3. willowsprite says:

    Just read your review, Jim. And your comment. Nice.


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