Starbucks’ Cake Pop: What Am I Eating?

It’s not a lollipop, a piece of cake, or even a cake on a stick, but a Cake Pop. There are 3 flavours which are part of Starbucks’ new line of treats called “Petites“. Each Petite is supposed to be under 200 calories.

Despite the low-ish calorie count, don’t let it fool you into thinking that it’s “healthy” as the list of (at least half of) the ingredients reads like a chemistry textbook! Click here to read what’s in the Tiramisu Cake Pop.

A barista was handing out these artery clogging fakies and for some reason, I choose the Tiramisu flavour. (I dunno why ’cause I think Tiramisu is gross!) I also had a nibble of the ballet pink Birthday Cake Pop.  Visually, the Petites sure look cute!

Verdict? Both were surrounded by a soft, fake chocolate shell and super sweet with the Tiramisu taking the “cake”. (It didn’t taste like Tiramisu, btw.) The texture of the inside reminded me of marzipan, but it didn’t taste like almonds. I literally looked ’round to see if there was a poster with a description of what I was eating ’cause I didn’t have the faintest.

According to other blogs they’re like $1.50USD/ea which will likely equal $2CAD with a broken down currency calculator. We always get the shaft!

The next time I’m at Starbucks and feel like something sweet, I think I’ll bypass the Petites and bakery items (just as bad – I checked!), and just add a bit of honey/raw sugar to my coffee.

35 responses to “Starbucks’ Cake Pop: What Am I Eating?”

  1. J says:

    Whoa. The pink one is amazing. If your going to eat dessert anyway why not try this.

  2. Sally says:

    I honestly haven’t had anything at a starbucks I’ve enjoyed. Why? Because I’ve never gone. 10$ coffees don’t appeal to me. Plus I’ve had homebrew of Starbucks and it was so nasty heh.

  3. Kait says:

    Their petites are $1.60 a each or 2 for $3.

  4. anisa says:

    sally, you’re not missing much, they’re kinda crappy ;p

    i used to have 1-2 espresso drinks every day back home (yay vancity) where it’s just the norm. take me anywhere but starbucks!

  5. Jen M says:

    I don’t think Starbucks is anymore expensive than any other coffee shop (Blenz, Waves, etc – and I think both of these are gross. They don’t brew new coffee until their pot runs out). Starbucks has the best Americanos. Pastries are pastries. Never healthy. But do I get them there? Yeah, if I feel like something sweet, why not indeed. I did hear that these new cakes are gross, so I’ll stay away from them. Ingredients list IS scary to look at.

  6. I tried the pink one (“birthday cake”) and the tiramisu flavours when they were giving them away. Definitely kind of chemical-y and gross. I’ll stick with their cupcakes (delicious).

  7. Stephania says:

    I realise that pastries aren’t “healthy” period, but take a look at this ingredients list for Starbucks’ Apple Fritter (scroll to bottom of page):

    It’s a heckuva lot more than sugar, flour, & apples…deep-fried! I think if you want pastries, stick to those Ma & Pa ethnic places.

  8. Khrist says:

    Stephania sounds like a redneck from the middle of nowhere.

  9. LovingMyCoupons says:

    I MAKE cakepops at home. All with ingredients I find at my local grocery store. They don’t taste anything like the Starbucks cakepops. They are MUCH better! 🙂

  10. Lindsay says:

    Khrist, agree with you there!

    What “fakies”? What exactly was Starbucks trying to fake? Vegetables? Lol.

    I usually don’t comment on these things, but I find it really weird when people who clearly are NOT the target consumers for a product review said product and give a predictably negative review. If you’re a raw cane sugar health nut, of course a “CAKE” pop is not going to be something you’ll enjoy.

  11. Sandra S. says:

    When I want a treat full of sugar and fat, I treat myself to a Starbucks white chocolate peppermint mocha…it’s well worth the indulgence at 4.75 for a Venti..mmm…I did try the pink cakepop, but I personally don’t think they are worth 2.00…I’ll stick with the lemon scone instead…or the chocolate covered pretzel.

  12. Stephania says:

    I’m afraid I have been exposed! I am a redneck, with access to the internet and Starbucks.

  13. Sally says:

    Shouldn’t I be the redneck for the fact that I’ve never gone into a starbucks? I’ve been through the drive thru once with a friend and might of stepped on Starbucks territory in Chapters…….

    I love how people attack Steph on the premise shes Steph.

  14. Lainey says:

    Is it really necessary for the name calling here? Stephania is entitled to her opinion of what the new Starbucks products tastes like. And reference was listed for the ingredients used so she was simply substantiating what she thought of the product. If you don’t agree with her thoughts, make it known or go on to the next post but why spend the time just to be mean?

  15. Elle says:

    Stephania stop posting, just stop. You sound like a gullible moron, it’s really in everyone best interest that you stop writing.

  16. Khrist says:

    I would like her opinionated posts to stop too. This site continues on it’s downhill slope. This site is so all over the place right now, I don’t even know what it’s supposed to be. Is it a deals blog, or a place for people to post their opinions? I have been using this site for years, and you want to push away those very people with this crap? That’s my comment, and if you don’t like it, I don’t care, but you’re only hurting the site by continuing with these kinds of posts.

  17. Heidi McMaster says:

    Sally – Starbucks coffees are NOT $10 each…if you are going to talk about why you don’t like a place, at least be accurate. A regular coffee is $1.50, same price as it is at many other coffee shops. Yes, you may pay almost $5 for an extra large (20 oz.) specialty drink like a mocha with extra flavors or something, but that doesn’t count as coffee. It’s dessert in a cup and priced as such.

    On another note, I agree with the assessment of the cake pops, but I have to say the the salty caramel or lemon square are both delicious.

  18. mary says:

    We have been making cakepops for years. We found them first on a blog from Bskerella. She now has a book out. Starbucks must be making a killing. If you make a batch from a mix, you easily get 4 dozen, even with premium melting chocolate $2 a apiece????

  19. mary says:

    We have been making cakepops for years. We found them first on a blog from Bakerella. She now has a book out. Starbucks must be making a killing. If you make a batch from a mix, you easily get 4 dozen, even with premium melting chocolate $2 a apiece????

  20. mike says:

    whoops, must have clicked on

    I come here for coupons and savings, not some nobody’s opinion on starbucks.

    whaa whaa starbucks is expensive. Call 1995 when people gave a damn.
    Starbucks is the same price as pretty much every independent coffee shop in toronto.

  21. justme says:

    Wow, who left the troll cage open today?

  22. TallNFunny says:

    Maybe this is what inferior coffee and lack of sugar is doing to people! Some on here NEED the Starbucks fix! Well worth the money! 🙂

  23. del says:

    You are all crazy!!!lol

  24. del says:

    Save the $5.00 a day you spend at that overpriced and over-rated chain and put it in the bank. Any investment banker would agree. Waste of money.

  25. Natalka says:

    Cake pops you can make at home are just baking a regular cake, crumbling it up and mixing with icing. Shape into balls, dip in candy or chocolate coating.

  26. krista says:

    I tried the pink one, I was totally confused about what i was eating, the inside was marzipan consistency but moist and weird. I will never pick one of those over the chocolate pretzel which I loooove.

  27. jen says:

    I agree with the people who want the opinionated posts to stop!

  28. Shelly says:

    I also wish the opinion posts would stop! This site is about deals and coupons, not to read someone else’s opinions on something. If you are opinionated, go start your own blog, not waste space on a deals site.

  29. Lana says:

    Add me to the list of people who are tired of the opinion posts by Stephania. She should get her own blog if she needs to keep venting about things, this is a DEALS blog, not Stephania’s personal review blog.

  30. TallNFunny says:

    Perhaps comments should focus on the DEAL itself, not whether the item or company is good or bad, good for you or bad for you, a waste of money etc all of which is SUBJECTIVE and varies person to person!!!!

  31. Daniel says:

    I have to agree with Lana, Shelly, Jen etc. ENOUGH OPINION POSTS from Stephania. She has already made me stop coming to SC everyday. It used to be a place with great deal posting, coupons, and the odd opinion peice. Now it has become a Stephania’s personal Facebook, where she posts whatever is on her mind. Enough with the opinion posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Georgie says:

    Hmmm… This morning I tried a different “Petit,” the vanilla bean scone. It was only 75 cents or 3 for $1.95. It was fine. For value comparison a lemon scone is massive for 1.90 vs. 3 tiny “Petits” scones for 1.95. On the other hand if there are 3 of you and you want to be cheap and have scones, then the petits would be a big savings in both money and calories!

  33. cesdit says:

    @ Starbucks at least you get a cup of milk for your money with caffeine if you wish, where at Tim H’s you get a cup of brown water with your order messed up 90% of times.

    Remember the old saying? You’ll get what you pay for!! So true!
    I (L) Starbucks!

  34. Lori says:

    The opinion posts keep me at this site longer, they give me something to read. The only thing I don’t like is the EXTREMELY long list of baby/store deals. Use a link!!

  35. Moe says:

    I agree Lori!


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