There is a new Pampers Reward code. Click here to enter this Earth Day code to earn 10 bonus Pampers Gifts to Grow points by April 24th at 11.59 pm CT. The code is FB987EART6DD014 and is valid once per account. Not a member? Even if you do not have a baby in Pampers diapers, …Read More
Hudson’s Bay Canada and Origins are celebrating the spirit of earth month with a good offer! Origins will plant a tree and you will receive a FREE eco-friendly tote with any Origins products purchase of $65 or more at Hudso’s Bay Canada! This Hudson’s Bay Canada and Origins offer for Earth Month is valid online for a limited time only. I checked Origins’ items to find …Read More
We will add more deals to this list as we find them Ardene – 22% off when you shop online Best Buy Canada – recycle & save deals Buffalo Jeans – recycle a pair of jeans and get $20 off a new pair Bulk Barn – free reusable bag when you spend $10 Clair de …Read More
Until midnight tonight, SodaStream Canada is having a sale on their Genesis Go Green Starter package. Normally selling for $157.97, this kit is now $119.99, today only, in celebration of Earth Day. The kit includes a 2-pack of 1L carbonating bottles and a soda mix variety pack. Free shipping is also available on this deal, …Read More
Now through April 25th, trade in electronics and other items for savings at Future Shop SAVE $50 on any Toshiba laptop, Apple MacBook, and on a huge selection of HP and Lenovo laptops when you trade in your old computer. Offer valid on all HP laptops over $599. SAVE up to $100 on HP Desktops …Read More
Future Shop has a sale on Energy Star major appliances and 46″ or larger televisions. To make their sale even better, they are also saving you more by paying the HST. Click here to view included appliances and TVs
Visit a Starbucks location on April 22nd with your reuseable mug and Starbucks will fill it with a regular coffee or tea for free for Earth Day. You can also get a gift card made with wood rather than plastic. Use your tumbler mug every time you visit Starbucks and save $0.10 of your drink. …Read More
Island Ink-Jet are offering one free ink cartridge refill free of charge on April 22 for Earth Day. In addition, you can save 20% on Island Ink-Jet branded ink or toner cartridges Each year over 375 million empty ink and toner cartridges are thrown away to sit in the world’s landfills for the next 1000 …Read More
Recently after purchasing a new mouse for my iMac, I realized just how many broken peripherals and electronics have been collecting dust in my house! My family’s embarrassing collection includes 2 unused printers, a couple of broken DVD players, digital clock radio, a PDA, water damaged keyboard, and a whole whack load of broken, cordless …Read More
In celebration of Earth month, Kraft Canada has released some terrific printable coupons. You will need the Smartsource coupon printer applet and a valid email address in order to access these coupons. Simply type in your email and you will instantly receive a link to print the two coupons. Please read the fine print as …Read More
Giant Tiger is offering a printable coupon for a free reusable shopping bag in honour of Earth Day when you sign for their email newsletter. Sign up here . Valid at any Giant Tiger, Tigre Géant, GT Xpress, Scott’s Discount or Chez Tante Marie location. Expires April 24, 2012. One coupon per person per transaction.
On April 22nd to celebrate Earth Day Starbucks is offering a free coffee or tea when you bring in your reusable mug. They’ve offered this freebie for quite a few years now and it’s a great incentive to reuse your mug. Is there anything special you will do on Earth Day? I was thinking I …Read More