Kitchen Aid is offering some great rebates again. This time you also have the option to process your rebate online instead of mailing it in. Click here for the PDF version of all the model numbers and rebates applicable. Click here for the HTML version explaining all the products and rebates available. Thank you so …Read More is offering their 12 cup KitchenAid food processor for $199.99 until October 3rd. You can use the $10 off code that I posted last night by simply imputing “941612160” in the discount promo box at checkout. Here comes the neat part. A while ago I posted a KitchenAid mail in rebate that is valid …Read More
Planning on investing in a KitchenAid mixer or specialty item soon? Nows the time! Until March 31rst there is mail in rebates on select KitchenAid appliances! Must be bought at a KitchenAid authorized dealer. Rebates must be received by May 14th 2010. Heres a quick reference list of products included in the rebate offer: carries a …Read More
KitchenAide Canada is turning 90 and as a gift to you they are offering a rebate of up to $75 on select small appliances. The amount of the rebate depends on the appliance that you buy. Purchases must be made between August 1 and 31 2009. Thanks to Melody113 for this post. For a complete list …Read More
If you’ve been wanting a Stand Mixer for a while, heads up because this is a fantastic deal! These normally retail for approx $500.00 Canadian and are already on sale for $349, and now you can save an additional $50 off that price! Purchase the KitchenAid Pro Stand Mixer between August 1st and August 30th …Read More