For those of you who have been holding out on buying the new PlayStation 4, due to waiting for a decent price drop, you can now gather your funds to jump on this most recent offer from Walmart Canada where they are selling the PS4 The Last of Us Remastered Bundle for just $399. This …Read More
Future Shop Canada is selling MLB 14: The Play, which some are saying is the best baseball game made for a Playstation console in years. The game was released for PS3 last year, which also received rave reviews, but this recent edition for PS4 provides some of the best graphics for a sports game that …Read More
PlayStation Network Canada has a great deal on right now for those who want to spend their long weekend playing the hottest games. Head online to the PSN and get great deals on games starting from $1.20. Choose from dozens of great titles that you’ve been dying to play on your PS3, PS4, PSP, or …Read More
Sony Entertainment Network Canada is having their weekly sale again this week, and with a whole bunch of fresh new games added to the sale, you’re sure to find at least something you like (for a pretty decent price as well!) The games for the SNK publisher sale has titles for super cheap, that have recently …Read More
Sony Stores Canada has great deals in store right now. Sony will be closing all 14 of their Canadian store locations over the next few months, and now is a great time to head into your nearest store and find great deals on Sony product. The best deal is for PlayStation 3 owners, who can …Read More
Sony Entertainment Network has refreshed their deals for the week and in it they have added a bunch of great reductions on hot games from the two publishers, EA and Bethesda. The reductions, in some cases, are up to 80% off and will be available at these prices until February 2nd, 2015. You’ll be able …Read More
PlayStation Canada has a great deal for its members this weekend. Log onto the PlayStation store and use the code JBFHBPJL8H to take 10% off your total purchase! Use it to download a few games that you have had your eyes on. This code is for one time use only. Offer ends 9:00am PST on …Read More
It’s hard to believe, but 20 years ago this year the very first Playstation was launched. To celebrate this momentous year, Sony Entertainment Network is having an Anniversary sale, starting today, where you can save up to 60% off on Playstation games that have been produced in the past 20 years. The sale will run …Read More
Until the end of this weekend, you can score three awesome freebies from the Sony PlayStation Store, depending on the system you are using, there is something for everyone. And did I mention, FREE and for keeps? The first game available is Mirror’s Edge for PS3, which on sites like Amazon would typically sell for close …Read More is full of great bundle deals this morning, starting with the WiiU Bundle for $299 that we posted about earlier today, and now with the PlayStation 4 Holiday Bundle – Grand Theft Auto V + The Last of Us Bundle Edition that is only being sold for $449.99. What makes this offer even sweeter, however, is …Read More
Battlefield 4 is now on sale at, available for Playstations 3 and 4 and Xbox 360 and One. The game normally goes for $44.95 on a Playstation 4, saving some up to $15. Battlefield 4 for $14.95 on Playstation 3 Battlefield 4 for $14.95 on Xbox 360 Battlefield 4 for $29.95 on Playstation 4 …Read More
The past couple days I have been seeing sales and deals on the PlayStation 4 The Last of Us Bundle left right and center! Sony Canada wanted to jump in and one up everyone. How does a FREE PlayStation 4 500GB The Last of Us Bundle sound? You will receive a FREE Bonus PlayStation 4 …Read More