Red font=free Green Font= Under $1 Atlantic Superstore Ragu sauce $0.99 use in store coupon buy 2 save $1=$0.98 for 2 Assorted Catelli Pasta $0.99 fingers crossed not just the regular are on because there is a number of super coupons on the including the $1 bistro in store ones,Healthy /Catelli bistro coupon from …Read More
I think I speak for everyone when I say THANK YOU COUPONLADY!! Zellers Huggies mega diapers,8x wipes or Pull Ups training pants $12.99(fri-sun) – rest of the week $15.97 Similac or Enfamil Iron or Lower Iron 900g $19.99 Heinz baby food 128ml 10 for $6 Heinz or Nestle baby cereals 227g $3.50 Heinz cereal bars …Read More
This weeks Shoppers Drug Mart Flyer has selected types of Colgate toothpaste on sale for $0.99. They picture Colgate Total so I assume it is one of the ones on sale. There are $1 off coupon that you can get from your dentist so you could get one for free. If you do not have …Read More
If you missed the Vim sale a few weeks back you are in luck. Starting tomorrow Shoppers Drug Mart has Vim Creme Cleanser on sale for just $0.88. There are $1 off any Vim product coupons that came in the Sept.7th issue of the Red Plum coupon insert. So with this coupon you can get …Read More
This weeks Shoppers Drug Mart flyer had Vim cleanser on sale for just $0.88. There are $1 off coupons that came in last weeks Red Plum coupon insert . So if you have this coupon you can get one for free. This coupon is good on any Vim product unlike the ones from that …Read More
This coming weeks Shopper Drug Mart flyer has Glad Cling wrap 30m on sale for just $0.88 . So if you still have some of the $0.75 coupons that were found in stores awhile back you can get it for just $0.13. This is a great time to stock up. I did a few months …Read More
From April 10 – 12, 2010, receive a $20 Esso Gift Card when you spend $75 or more at Shoppers Drug Mart*. Esso Gift Card valid for a limited time only. *Excludes prescription purchases, bonus points, Shoppers Optimum® Mastercard® points, products that contain codeine, non-pointable items, tobacco products (where applicable), lottery tickets, passport photos, stamps, …Read More
Divine~Miss~M has put together an amazing list of the sales and coupons to use to make your Optimum Bonus Redemption Dollars go even further! This is going to take a lot of the guess work out of shopping this weekend for so many of the SC community. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I …Read More
Thanks CouponLady for posting this week’s flyer picks in Canadian Deals and Flyers Giant Tiger Herbal essences hair care $1.98 – use $1/Buy 1 get 1 free coupons Glad freezer bags 15 or 20s $1.77 – use $0.75 Lysol spray $1.97 – use buy 3 save $3 or buy 2 dif. and save $2 coupons …Read More
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Thanks Hot Like Wasabi for the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer listing 😀 Don’t forget this Saturday’s 20x event. For store employees, you’ll get the 20x points and the PDP is in effect. Shouldn’t be a problem getting to $50 on Saturday! Front Page (ON/PRA/BC): HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO (700mL) or CONDITIONER (680mL) Selected Types $6.99 …Read More
Thanks Hot Like Wasabi for suggesting the new Shoppers Drug Mart flyer 😀 Sept 13/14 Event (Targetted Bonus Redemption) On September 13th & 14th, SDM will be having a bonus redemption event. This event will only be sent via e-mail to Optimum members who did not redeem during the last event (July 19th & 20th), …Read More