Tag: tim hortons canada

Tim Hortons News & Free TimBits in Yonge Dundas Square on July 2nd

Tim Hortons have some exciting news.  They are introducing a CIBC Tim Hortons Double Double Visa Card using a first-of-its-kind technology with lighted buttons to select between a no annual fee CIBC Visa credit card and a rewards Tim Card, all in one convenient card (hopefully that means there is a regular rewards card to …Read More

Tim Horton’s Canada FREE Events: Summer FREE Swim Schedule

Every year Tim Horton’s Canada offers FREE Events for you to attend with your family. From FREE Skating to FREE Swimming, there are events through multiple times of the year for you to enjoy. Coming up, we have the Tim Hortons Canada FREE Swim 2014. The schedule for Ontario and Alberta is as follows:

Tim Horton’s Canada #CHILLWITHTIMS Instant Giveaway Promotion! Hurry – You can Win an LG TV, 1,000 Visa Prepaid Cards, 10x 5,000 Cash Prizes, $25 Tim’s Cards & MORE!

Tim Hortons Canada’s Chill to Win promotion is back for the second time! Starting today, June 9th, customers can purchase a medium or large cold beverage in Canada at any participating Tim Hortons location for the chance to instantly win incredible prizes or just participate online! The more times you play in store and online, the …Read More

Tim Horton’s Canada Kid’s Camp Day 2014: 100% Of Proceeds from Coffee Donated to the Tim Horton’s Children’s Foundation

On June 4th, 2014 Canada Tim Horton’s wants you to help them raise money towards the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation Kid’s Camp Day 2014! The Tim Horton Canada Kids Camp Day is a fantastic way to make a different in the life of some Children. On June 4th, 100% of the proceeds from Coffees sold …Read More

Tim Hortons Canada: Chocolate Eclair is Back and $1 Small Vanilla Iced Coffee

As you know, Tim Horton’s Canada was asking for everyone to vote for their favourite item that they want Tim Hortons to bring back. Of course the Chocolate Eclair was chosen, and I can’t wait! Keep your eyes peeled for these delicious beauties to reappear in your local Tim Horton’s Canada Restaurant. Also, in celebration …Read More

Tim Hortons: Free Donut on May 17th *Now Confirmed*

Some of our forum members have posted that Tim Hortons will be offering free donuts for their 50th anniversary on May 17th. Some interesting facts from Tim Hortons history: 1964: First Tim Hortons opens.  A coffee and donut cost $0.10 1976: The first Timbit is served 1996: The first bagel is served 2010: Tim Horton’s …Read More

Tim Horton’s Canada Bring it Back Voting War on Twitter: 1 Day Left to Get your Favourite Tims Product Back in Stores!

Tim Horton’s Canada has an exciting voting activity going on right now! Tim Horton’s is asking you what you want to see back in Tim Horton’s stores around Canada. All you have to do is tweet what Tims item you miss from the last 50 years and why with the hashtag #TIMSBRINGITBACK and you could see it back in the stores! …Read More

Tim Hortons Canada is Giving Uniformed Members of the Canadian Armed Forces FREE Coffee on May 9th!

Tim Hortons Canada is showing their patriotism on May 9th by offering a special deal in recognition of the National Day of Honour and to thank Canada’s military personnel for their service and dedication to our country! All members of the Canadian Armed Forces that are in uniform will receive a FREE coffee at any Tim Hortons location. In addition, Tim …Read More

Tim Horton’s Canada Contest: Win FREE Coffee For a Year!

Tim Horton’s Canada has launched a new Survey Contest. 12 Lucky winners will win FREE Tim Horton’s Coffee for an entire year. All you have to do to enter is fill out the short and simple online survey regarding your last visit to your local Tim Horton’s Restaurant. There will be one winner per month …Read More

Tim Hortons Canada and CIBC Launching Loyalty Rewards Visa Credit Card May 2014

Here is something to look forward to, Tim Hortons Canada and CIBC have announced that they will be partnering up to release a co-branded Visa Credit Card! This Loyalty Rewards Visa Credit Card will offer instant Tim Hortons loyalty rewards for the CIBC members in regards to their every day spending. This CIBC and Tim …Read More

Tim Hortons Timbit Me Contest: Free Coffee & Tim Bits, Gift Cards & more

Tim Hortons has a fun new contest called Timbit Me! What would you and your friends look like as Timbits? Express yourself by personalizing our signature treats, and enter the Timbit Me contest for a chance to win! Timbit Me prizes include: 150 Daily Prizes of $25 Tim Cards 22 Weekly Prizes of $100 Tim Cards 1 …Read More

Tim Hortons Canada Freebie: FREE Ice Skating During March Break

If you are looking for something to do with the family during March Break, here is the perfect opportunity! Tim Hortons Canada is offering FREE Ice Skating for residents of Canada during the March Break 2014. You will receive FREE skating time at local arenas in the participating communities across Canada. You will be able …Read More

Tim Hortons Canada Roll Up The Rim 2014 Is Back TODAY, TWO Chances To Win!

Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim for 2014 is back today, Monday, February 17, 2014 🙂 Tim Hortons will use the contest to celebrate their 50th anniversary. For the first time, Tim Hortons Canada is offering their customers two chances to roll up the rim on each cup with 2 chances to win hot prizes! Two …Read More

Tim Hortons Canada: Roll Up The Rim To Win Is Back February 17, 2014

Woohoo! Tim Hortons Roll up the rim to win starts soon! Tim Hortons Canada Roll Up The Rim Contest Begins this MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2014! Prizes in 2013 included 100 pre-paid MasterCards loaded with $5,000 each, 40 Toyota RAV4s, 1,000 Napoleon grills, 25,000 Tims gift cards worth $100 each, and 47 million food and beverage prizes! Remember not …Read More

Tim Hortons Canada Offers: FREE Hash Brown with Purchase of Breakfast Sandwich and a Coffee

Stop at Tim Horton’s for breakfast between February 10th and March 2nd, 2014 and you will receive a FREE Hash Brown when you purchase any breakfast sandwich and coffee! This offer is valid at participating Tim Horton’s from 5AM to noon. You are limited to one free hash brown per customer, per visit. This Tim Horton’s …Read More

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