The Body Shop Canada: $5 Off $25 Printable Coupon + Free Shower Gel


This is an awesome promo from The Body Shop Canada. Print the coupon below to receive $5 off your $25 purchase (before taxes) and if you redeem the coupon before July 17, 2011 you will also receive a FREE 250mL Shower Gel of your choice ($8 value, in-store only). This promo can be combined with the Love Your Body discount, which is 10%.

Click here to print your coupon.

9 responses to “The Body Shop Canada: $5 Off $25 Printable Coupon + Free Shower Gel”

  1. Meals says:

    if you are a member of their love your body you will probably get a coupon for 10$ off a 30$ purchase

  2. Amanda says:

    Do you know where I can get the $10 one, I am a LYB member 🙂

  3. caroman says:

    I am a LYB member and I got the 5$ off 25$ coupon

  4. Amanda says:

    Where did you get this coupon from? Email? I get things emailed to me but haven’t seemed to been sent this offer 🙁

  5. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Yes I got this emailed to me, I’m also a LYB member. If you look on the top right corner it says “Love Your Body Member Exclusive”. Was the $10 off $30 in a different email?

  6. Amanda says:

    Do you know when you go this email? Maybe I shop too much to qualify 🙁 I don’t seem to have it…

  7. Joanna says:

    As you can see it says Love Your Body Member exclusive on the top right hand corner of the email. I assume you would have to prove that you are a member to use this coupon?

  8. Catherine says:

    I went into the body shop on July 6th at Bramalea city centre, used the $5 off coupon and asked for my free shower gel but she said it wasn’t mentioned on the coupon I had and she knew of no such promo- I will bring my receipt back with me to get my free shower gel next time.


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