The Printed ‘PJ’ Pants: Would you wear them?

Other / Canada

Beyoncé did it. So did Ri-Ri, Fergie, Sarah Jessica Parker, Hilary Duff, and countless other fashion fearless celebrities. No, they didn’t fire their stylists, but they dipped their legs in the latest trend: printed pants!

(I call them pajama pants because aside from the ’90s, jammer bottoms are well-known for being printed – not necessarily a good thing!)

With the warmer weather hopefully resurfacing soon (& for good!), printed pants seem to be a fitting trend. However, the question is, would you wear ’em?

Here are some examples of the different prints/cuts that may be coming to a sidewalk near you…

Beyoncé in Stella McCartney

At a leggy 5’6″, girl can pull off not only a vertical mural, but a subtle harem cut on her legs! Whereas these pants would literally cut off at the waves on my legs and it would look like a tribute to MC Hammer…Hawaiian edition.

SJP, Isla Fisher, Mandy Moore, & Katie Holmes in Current/Elliott’s Leopard Stiletto

I swear, if you haven’t seen these at the mall yet, they’re coming soon! And hopefully they’ll be cheaper than C/E’s $245CAD price tag. (Versus $198USD.) Sheesh!

I have a feeling that this look will go over well with the tweens. I was just at a grade school today, wearing my leopard print leggings, and a 5th grader started mouthing something to me. She then pointed at my legs and whispered, “I like your pants!!!”

floral print jeans

And Spring wouldn’t be complete without flowers, so what better way to express that than to have a garden look like it exploded onto your legs??

I haven’t been to the mall lately, but I’m pretty sure that this look is already trending in stores such as Forever 21, H&M, & wherever fashionable, youngsters are shopping nowadays.

43 responses to “The Printed ‘PJ’ Pants: Would you wear them?”

  1. Sally says:

    Ugh, even Walmart has these. Ew.

  2. Mary says:

    I actually love pair #4!! I’m totally tired of my dark jeans and the pastel coloured jeans I see everywhere make me smile too…they’re so cheerful and pretty. I think part of fashion is experimenting a bit -> At least try it on in stores, maybe you’ll like it! (or maybe it’ll look terrible, but you’ll never know if you don’t give it a chance haha.) I think all you need is something solid on top so you don’t go totally overboard. (:

  3. Lil says:

    hmm…reminds me of Grandma’s curtains

  4. airguy says:

    I think people with self esteem problems are most likely going to be against these. LOVE your body people.

  5. radgurl says:

    Hmm, not really feeling this trend. Then again, I’m not much of a fashionista, lol

  6. Kristie says:

    Welcome Back 1980’s. Oh how we’ve missed you! LOL!

  7. Minou says:

    I think it depends on age and figure, but I really don’t think the pictures of the celebrities with the leopard-print leggings make them look attractive. They look washed-out, and in some cases, even baggy.

  8. Orual says:

    Well I have been known to wear my pj’s in public after dark, but wouldn’t wear these. They are just too busy for my taste. Ten years from now a lot of people will be looking at pictures of themselves in these and say What was I thinking.

  9. Natalka says:

    I think they are awesome, and definitely are not pj pants, lol!
    Bring on the colour and prints!

  10. jabbajabba says:

    Love these!! Bought a few pairs a few months back on my yearly trip to NY. Soooo cute for spring. Prints are in!

  11. alicelovesmovies says:

    Love them so pretty! 🙂

  12. Funkymunky says:

    I don’t think I see the pj pants analogy at all – where did that come from?
    these are just trousers/pants

  13. sweetmomma says:

    I would wear these if I found the right print and fit. You can always accessorize to draw less attention from the pants.

  14. Jess says:

    They just look like leggings/jeggins. I would wear subtle prints, bright patterns just aren’t me. With a loose shirt or sweater, it could be comfortable.

  15. cbocean says:

    I would defintly wear #4 and #6 and maybe #1 if I was feeling fly.

  16. Vikinglady says:

    #1 looks remarkably like the patterned leggings I bought at Walmart last winter – which I’ve worn, but only under jeans when it’s very, very cold. I do like the pattern on Beyonce though, would at least try those out with a long black tunic top. (if I could find them long enough – always a problem).

  17. Dayanara says:

    I really am not fond of these at all. Some designs are pretty and would look great on some bosy types, but floral/flashy bottoms are not the greatest look for those of us with larger figures IMO.

    But to each their own and if someone likes them and thinks they look good, awesome! I love finding clothes that make me feel good, no matter what others think. 🙂

  18. Dayanara says:

    er bosy types = body types….go go me before coffee!

  19. svot says:

    they’re awesome! just pair them with a basic tank and a boyfriend blazer (very neutral on top) and you’re good to go! and truthfully, since they won’t be in style forever, by a pair at forever 21, h&m or joe fresh so you don’t spend a fortune. save your money for a versatile pair of blue jeans!

  20. Gazpache says:

    I’ve got to agree with Lil. They remind me of my grandma’s curtains. I really don’t like them.. and unfortunately at the risk of offending people I’ve got to say I think they’re kind of fugly. I also don’t think that they’d ever look good on me.. prints on a plus sized frame usually don’t go well!

  21. yoyo says:

    Anyone over 30 should not wear these unless they are 5’9 or over with a thin body and long legs! Case closed!

  22. RedEng says:

    Floral jeans were popular in the 80’s when I was a teen. I really wanted a pair, but they weren’t on sale (Full price was a swear word back then), but my Dad in a moment of weakness for his daughter bought them for me. Thanks for a walk down memory lane.

  23. Brenda says:

    Some of these are really cute. I probably won’t be jumping on the trend, but I’d definitely buy them for my daughter.

  24. Sandra5 says:

    Think of all of the hookers lives that will be spared from getting hit by cars when they become so much more visible crossing the roads at night.

  25. saver says:

    beyonce looks great in the floral pant paired with the yellow shoes. believe she is only 5’2″ and she is not super skinny. they’ll likely only be a short-lived trend though.

  26. Funkymunky says:

    Beyonce is probably wearing a full body spanx 24/7 so I wouldn’t judge by the pics 😉

    But I like them – I saw some less flashy prints in Zara – I actually remember that similar styles but in wider leg pants were popular back in 90’s, my mom had gazilion of these prints – they were perfect in the summer, since a lot of them were silk or linen

    but I actually wouldn’t mind a pair with elastics on the bottom for somewhat less-flared fit

  27. celia says:

    Talk about blast from the past. Every girl was wearing a pair of these floral print skinny jeans when I was in 9th grade in California. I’m not sure if these were in style in Toronto at the time (circa ’89/’90) where I’m originally from, but I sure wish I kept mine. I doubt it’d fit today though 🙂

  28. Jenelle says:

    I like them!!

    DIY Blog:

  29. Aileen says:

    People in Canada actually go out wearing Pajamas so I dont really think these would be an issue!

  30. jasmynflower says:

    some of the floral patterns are more faded so im not thrilled but some are cute and i love the pants beyonce is rocking. im 5’2 so they may not look the best on me but i would be willing to try LOL.

  31. Yuki says:

    “& wherever fashionable, youngsters are shopping nowadays”? I didn’t think Stephania was THAT old. I don’t know anyone over the age of 40 who uses the word “youngsters”, haha!

  32. Theresa says:

    These are hideous. Whats worse is I am sure they will be worn by women who really shouldn’t wear this type of thing.

  33. Louise says:

    That’s a whole lot of FUGLY!!!

    Remember people, if you were around to wear it the first time it was fashionable, you are definitely too old to wear it again this time. This goes for all fashions.

  34. Muj says:

    Didn’t flower pants go out of style in the 80s?
    Who decided it was ok to bring back 80s styles… they weren’t good then, they won’t be good now! lol.

  35. abbasgirl says:

    This is one 80’s style that I don’t mind seeing again. I don’t like the ones Beyonce is wearing, but I do like some of the floral ones.

  36. Amanda says:

    kill me now

  37. JP says:

    It took me a while to get in the coloured pants but I am not a big pan of printed pants/jeans.

  38. JC says:

    Yep – 1989 – floral print jeans – right along side the acid wash jeans and Chip and Pepper tie dye!

  39. ILoveSC says:

    Printed pants are about as good as harem pants.

    I wouldn’t touch them.

  40. carolind says:

    That just gave me the heebie jeebies. Shouldn’t have looked at them before going to bed–I’m going to have nightmares I’m sure!

  41. sue says:

    Thank you for the smile of the day! (And clarifying some of my WTF moments at the mall lately.) Love your body – ABSOLUTELY! But please cover up the tights before leaving the house (unless your 4 years old or under).

  42. Tal says:

    I actually like #5 — such a hippy print! 😉 lol

    I’m not sure if I’d wear them, but there’s never any harm in experimenting, it can be a ton of fun! 😀

    I also wouldn’t mind looking back on photos from the past where I’m wearing “crazy” stuff lol — I’m sure I’ll see just as much crazy in times to come!

    Why not have fun while you can? 😉

  43. Snoopy's mom says:

    They look fun for the young people, as long as they fit. I am so tired of seeing butt cracks and fat bellies hanging over pants. I don’t care how stylish something is-if it does not fit, it does not work.


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