Tim Hortons Canada Free Baked Good & Coffee for Military, Remembrance Day 2013

Canadian Daily Deals

Free Hot BeverageEnjoy a FREE hot beverage and/or baked good at Tim Hortons Canada today when you show a valid Military ID or if you are wearing your Military uniform.

This Tim Hortons Canada gift is valid today, Remembrance Day, Monday, November 11, 2013 only.

Click here to find Tim Hortons Canada store near you.

3 responses to “Tim Hortons Canada Free Baked Good & Coffee for Military, Remembrance Day 2013”

  1. MJ says:

    I really wish these businesses would advertise these specials earlier…….My husband is retired military and always appreciates his free meal at Applebee’s every year, if he had known about some of the other offers perhaps he would have got his morning coffee free too 🙂

  2. Dan says:

    This isn`t honored in Kingston, both myself and my wife are military, and the Tim Horton`s restaurant we visited hasn`t heard of this…

  3. Gnormangnome says:

    I posted a comment earlier, but I can’t help but feel that this is shameless self-promotion on the part of businesses. Free coffee to vets and military personnel should happen EVERY day, not just when it serves as a gesture to feign patriotism. Sadly, it sounds like such companies care more about their public image than the public themselves.


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