Its that time of year again. The Tim Hortons smiley face cookies are back. Buy a smiley face cookie from September 19th to September 25th for only $1 and the entire proceeds go to local charities, hospitals and community programs. These cookies are pretty popular in our town which results in a shortage. I don’t know how my times we’ve been to get one for the kids and were told they were sold out. Its a nice way to get the kids a treat and teach them about donating to charities.
Click here for more information.
bought one today! and there were big pieces of chocolates!! delicious!!! =)
yum yum, great for my kids
didn’t know they tax on that
I went to the Tim Horton’s on Jean Talon & Decarie, and they knew nothing about the smiley face cookies. They said “Oh maybe it’s next week” and look at me like I was nuts. Very disappointed!!!