Ever wanted to see what a TV show filming is like and be a part of a studio audience? Maybe score some free swag too while you’re there? Well then Booty Camp has an exclusive invitation for you!
CityLine, Canada’s most successful daytime show for women, is inviting Booty Camp to bring along friends to be a part of the audience for a special episode on health & fitness! The show will be taped on the morning of Tuesday, October 27th. Come and have a chance to meet Sammie Kennedy herself, creator of Booty Camp Fitness, and Tracy Moore, host of CityLine! There are a very limited number of invitations so act quickly to secure a seat!
Simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject “Booty Camp” and mention that you’d like to be a part of the audience AND include your shirt size (S/M/L/XL/XXL) to receive your very own pink camo top – just like your Elite Drill Instructor wears! You’ll receive an email confirming whether or not you’ve got a spot secured with details including directions and timing.
thanks to shawnsgal for posting this for our ladies!
What is this garbage? How is this relevant to the site exactly, is it the free T-Shirt component? City Line audience tickets are free everyday as far as I know, and audience members usually get some sort of freebie for attending. Whoever approved this Booty Camp promoting rubbish needs to take it down. I know Sammie Kennedy herself has little shame about indulgent self promotion, but this is just silly.
Jen, the bootycamp is relevant to the smart canucks site because of the fact that it is a “promo/invitation”. smart canucks has a certain demographic and i myself (married woman/late 30’s, fitness fanatic) am thrilled that smart canucks knows that i want this type of promo brought to my attention…along with postings with regards to Coach, Banana Republic, Town Shoes, etc….! i wouldn’t have heard about this event otherwise.
Jen… This is completely suitable content to be posting on this site. I am definitely interested in learning more about Booty Camp Fitness. You say it’s all garabage, but what is sad is how you completely bash Sammy Kennedy and her success with her career. Talk about no shame!! Speak For Yourself before you post crap like that on this site!
Jen I am with you. I know Sammie because I was one of the original women in her very first ever boot camp! She was partners with some other girl at the time and it was very clear to all of us in the class that Sammie had her own adgenda, hence why I never signed up again. I am assuming you’ve also had a negative experience otherwise you wouldn’t be posting what you did? Sometimes in life girl, we’ve gotta let the rotten apples fall from the tree all on their own. But amen sister, I do hear ya!
In this day an age we need to look beyond the service that is being provided by a company when making a decision on whether or not to patronize a company. Does the company have ethical values and practices and do they operate with integrity. How do they contribute (or detract) to society and/ or impact our environment.
BootyCamp may or may not provide a good service but their advertising tactics show little regard to the environment and our community as a whole. Their use of numerous large, bright pink posters crosses that fine line between effective marketing and branding and annoying the target audience and negatively impacting our environment. Bootycamp crosses the line in my neighborhood to the point where their brand will be negatively impacted in the community. There are sections of street where large pink signs are placed on multiple sides of every pole, mail box and parking ticket dispenser. This company is significantly contributing to the visual pollution in the area. There are several places within the community where you can see that people have attempted to removed the signs or have written on them. Given the nature of the glue that they used these remnants will remain for years to come as an eye sore in the neighborhood. Bootycamp came through and replaced damaged signs ever after receiving complaints. Head office committed to having the sign that was put up in front of my house removed but they did not follow through.
My wife had planned to sign up for a course but I have strongly encouraged her not to patronize a company that pays so little regard to the environment and our community as a whole. I would encourage all of you to do the same.
Update- Booty camp blitz’s Toronto communities with their posters. Here’s, one example http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/albumMap?uname=s…
They don’t care about our communities
They are being socially and environmentally irresponsible
Stop the litter in our communities
Don’t give them your business until they start to care
One of Toronto’s worst street spammers – http://torontoadvertisinghallofshame.org/most_recent_junk_signs.html
I think its awesome to know that I can go watch a taping of city line and Sammie must be doing something right because she’s still in business and doing well!
Hi Jo-Ann,
Maybe they havent blitzed your neibourhood with posters yet or if they have maybe you should ask yourself why their practice does not bother you.
Booty Camp Poster Blitz’s – Environmentally and Socially Irresponsible
“With a few thousand posters in hand Mango Moose Media blitzed locations in Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto, Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton.” “We’ve blitzed the country from coast to coast…”
Check out this link – http://guerrillaadvertising.ca/2010/04/21/booty-camp-fitness-poster-blitz/
DSD, fine then dont give them your business but your numerous remarks about the company are resembling spam and people who are looking up exercise codes dont give a crap about the glue for heaven’s sake.
oh and if they hadn’t “blitzed” my neighbourhood, i would not have even looked them up. Your efforts would be better spent canvassing your local politician to create bylaws about that issue, not the customers they have successfully roped in with their advertising methods. HELLOOO???
I agree with Footballmummy that getting involved at the municipal level is a better option, but at least in ours there are bylaws against what Booty Camp Fitness is doing, and that is what is so frustrating about the poster blitzes.
Despite this, Booty Camp Fitness continues to blitz large areas of our city with total impunity, I estimated near a thousand during the summer blitz, along main roads, mailboxes, and bus shelters.
To be clear, some bending of the rules is tolerable: community groups, activists using public property to post is defensible on some level. A business engaging in the practice – especially on the scale that Booty Camp Fitness does is completely another story. It is just not okay.
So, regarding DSDS comments, I fully agree. It is difficult to support a company that is so inconsistent in its behaviour. Booty Camp Fitness promotes health and well-being for women, which I support – BUT they achieve the goal via an advertising strategy that shows little regard for the communities they operate in, city bylaws or the environment. It is beyond irresponsible.
I have watched City Line for many years but the present hostess is irratating in that she very interuptive when guests are trying to show what they are there for.If you were to do a playback you would see what I mean.The Three Chefs are an example. These men are professional and do not need her comments to be interesting and informative about food and cooking.She needs to stand back and keep quiet. We are inclined to change stations . She should watch the performances of the next show and learn how to be a good hostess.
Well said rennschnecke. Booty Camps practices are excessive and wrong. They have blitzed toronto again over the past two weeks. Not one but two large, bright pink posters on every pole. It is totally offensive and irresponsible. I have tried to work with local politians but that is a slow process. At least I have their committment to charge boooty camp commercial rates when they rent city owned venues. This is a slimmy company. Basically making money on the backs of tax payers and the environment.
Unfortunately Booty Camp continues to litter the City on a monthly basis with its trashy posters.
Please dont give them your business until they clean up their act and begin acting reponsibly.