Try Yoplait Greek FREE With Their Taste Off Kit


Yoplait want you to try their Greek Yogurt and will give you a gift card to try two cups for free!  All you have to do is share the results of your Taste-Off in Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #TasteOff after trying Yoplait Greek.

Click here to order your kit

6 responses to “Try Yoplait Greek FREE With Their Taste Off Kit”

  1. torontogal12 says:

    Thanks. Filled it out but don’t know whether this will come? I thought they called it Yopa in Canada?

  2. Joy says:

    After you submitted, there was a note that said if all were gone, then they’d let us know. Presumably, by email since we had to provide it.

  3. Maddie2008 says:

    I can’t get it to work. Keeps going back to entry page, and everything is filled out right

  4. moonglow says:

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but when I click on the link given I am sent to a website called spredfast ….

    Help please???

    • FallenPixels says:

      moonglow that is the company who are managing the giveaway, it may be that it is over and they took the page down

  5. lavendelblauen says:

    Printed off the coupon but I know I can’t use it at any of my stores…it has 3 UPC symbols, an American mailing address and I haven’t seen YOPLAIT brand since the 1980’s :((


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