Value Village 50% Off Sale: Monday, May 16th

Your next chance to get those overpriced Value Village items at 50% off is: Monday, May 16th!

Included in the sale is all clothing, shoes, jewelry, and items tagged bed & bath. So basically anything that you put on your body + bed & bath (towels, sheets, purses, scarves, etc.)!

Super Savers Club Card members can shop 2hrs prior to closing, the night before the sale, i.e. they can get their shop on starting at 4pm, Sunday, May 15th. Please check the closing time of the VV near you before attending.

If the Spring weather ever arrives, this is a great time to switch up your wardrobe! 🙂

18 responses to “Value Village 50% Off Sale: Monday, May 16th”

  1. Christine says:

    Haha its funny you say overpriced, thats half the reason I don’t go there anymore. They price things based on the tag, so a pair of name brand jeans are 50x the price of a regular pair and they could be knock offs for all anyone knows. I prefer goodwill or salvation army these days, at least they make it possible to shop there.

  2. Stephania says:

    @Christine – If you think things are overpriced, please, please, PLEASE fill out a comment card OR speak to the manager instead of just a silent protest.

    The manager does read and should get back to all of those cards. And at my local VV, I’ve noticed that they’ve tried to lower the price points.

  3. Jonathan says:

    Thank you.

  4. Candice says:

    i still find some good deals, but agreed totally overpriced on “name brand” stuff.

    i’ll still check it out.

    but it better be worth the vacation time i’m using – lol

  5. carrie says:

    lasr 50% off on winter stuf – i spent $90 and went home with 10 sweaters, one dress – 4 pairs of PJ, 6 pairs of shoes, a party light bowl, fish bowl with rocks 2 skids hoodiees. Now to compair went and bought one bata fish and stuff and 2 frogs – $90.

  6. anonymous says:

    I do agree that some of their stuff is overpriced but still totally worth it on 50% off days. I will be there for sure!

  7. ToyMom says:

    How do you become a super saver member?

  8. Kyla says:

    Yes…. how do you become a Super Saver Member???

  9. maplegirl says:

    the stuff I buy there —housewares & books are never on sale … 🙁

  10. Joan says:

    You are all right! Brand name labels are way over priced! They are still used, disgarded clothes. So why so high?? I’ve complained to the store, to head office in the US etc etc etc and because they are “chartitable” they don’t care. I also know someone who gets her merchandise for $1, $2 because her friend works there and she goes to her friend while in the store and her friend marks the stuff down. Not Fair!

    Go to Sally

  11. Stephania says:

    @Joan – Not fair indeed. VV worker shouldn’t be marking down items for friend. Aside from infant sleepers/housewares, never heard of items for $1-2! That person could get in trouble for marking down items if there’s nothing wrong with them and they’re just doing it for “friend”.

    And YES, even though they represent a charity, they still pay for their donations. So it’s partially for-profit as opposed to Sally Ann/Goodwill, hence the price diff.

    Also if you know the amount of work that goes through sorting and pricing, reconsider the mark-up. Yes, the prices are higher than they used to be, but most of it’s not unreasonable.

  12. dee says:

    its way over priced and everyone knows it…

  13. Paul says:

    You guys talk about everything over priced. Wake up’ I don’t know where you can get brand name jeans at $15 +- a pair. I picked up a spyder ski base layer for $12 less 50%. Hard to beat that!!It’s the only place I have seen that won’t put junk on the floor like some of the other stores.

  14. Muriel says:

    Agreed that VV is too expensive. Stephania said: “…the amount of work that goes through sorting and pricing..”, but ALL thrift/charity/secondhand stores have to do the same work, so that’s a poor excuse.

    I would love to shop at VV, but I got turned off years ago when I heard that VV gives the charities about $1 for a big garbage bag full of clothes, which the charities receive as donations from people who THINK they’re helping charities!

    Then, (apparently…), VV sorts through, prices brand names high, etc. How d’ya like that? VV is a privately-owned for-profit corporation, like ANY OTHER business. But they ‘look good’ because they’re ‘supporting charities.’

  15. rachel says:

    how do you know for sure that we get 50% off the last 2 hours they are open on the sunday? It doesn’t say that anywhere on their website

  16. Stephania says:

    @rachel – It’s part of Super Saver Club. It should state that incentive when you look into the program!

  17. Jennifer says:

    I agree. Quite overpriced. I’ve found many brand-name items I could find for cheaper or same price, on sale, brand new. Old navy And children’s place have great sales. Saw bling jeans from western store at VV for 50$ !!! Are you kidding me???


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