Living Well Canada Freebie: Tuesday May 3rd 10,000 Trial Kits Of Neutrogena Clinical


Tomorrow Living Well is offering 10,000 trial kits of Neutrogena Clinical.  I actually never even received mine from the last promo quite sometime ago, so I will sign up again.

Click here May 3rd to order your trial.

Thank you so much to all the people whom used the suggest a deal form to let me know about this promo!

42 responses to “Living Well Canada Freebie: Tuesday May 3rd 10,000 Trial Kits Of Neutrogena Clinical”

  1. kimmie says:

    last time, i got mine, but it was just a 2 little sample size pouches…. they are not actual bottles =( but i guess samples are better than nothing…

  2. AmberLab says:

    I got the same as Kimmie said, two of those flat trial size packets with 2mL or something in it. Just enough to wipe over your face once. Nice samples, but not enough for me to determine if I would want to keep using it, or even buy it in the first place.

  3. HARRLETT says:

    its funny….i submitted this for posting today and for some reason it was not posted…..weird…cause everytime i put a post up for a freebie sally comes in behind me and posts….hmmmmmmmm

    guess i wont put any more posts up…cause they never go up

  4. matrix82 says:

    I never recieved this last time.

  5. Marta says:

    Not worth the time it takes to fill out your name and address. Only enough for 1 application.

  6. Sally says:

    “Thank you so much to all the people whom used the suggest a deal form to let me know about this promo!”

    If you posted it on the forum sorry, I haven’t even checked out deals or freebies today. If you submitted the deal I clearly thanked everyone who submitted it to me, which was about 10 people.

  7. Lattelady says:

    not worth the time,

  8. Lucy says:

    Just followed the link above to gain a sample & find nothing on the site that says “free sample”…perhaps it’s too early in the day?

  9. Sharon says:

    Site is down?

  10. Sally says:

    It wont be up until sometime tomorrow. Might be 9am might be 5pm.

  11. lori says:

    It’s not working, I set a reminder on my BB and everything cause I really wanted this one… BOOOOOOO

  12. Sally says:

    Lori. Read my post above yours.

  13. DJ says:

    I got this last time it was offered and when I used it my eyes felt like they were buring. I’ll be skipping this one for sure lol

  14. kelly25 says:

    Its not open yet! Its 9 am here so I guess it’ll be open tonight..

  15. Angela says:

    ok so im not the only one haveing trouble then lol

  16. Ellsie08 says:

    They always surprise us with the time. It could be at any time. Just have to keep checking.

  17. Sharon says:

    Not spending anymore time trying to access this one.

  18. Dave says:

    10:18 am & link puts me to an expired Tylenol giveaway

  19. Just me says:

    I will never spend anymore time trying to access livingwell I never got anything from it but westing time for nothing never got anysample from it

  20. carlyincanada says:

    Site is down…got it last time & very small peelie sample…:(

  21. Ellsie08 says:

    And now it looks like the site crashed.

  22. Jenna says:

    11:19am and not up yet in ontario

  23. stuffedpandapuppet says:

    12:34pm EST and not up yet.

  24. T says:

    On livingwell’s site it says ‘trial offer’ instead of ‘trial kits offer’, the former is packet sample size and the latter should be full-size box, which one is it?

  25. AA6 says:

    It’s most likely a “trial offer” with the peel stamps – there’s no way they could afford to send out 10,000 full size trial kits…

  26. I keep checking the site today and it’s still not up yet. did anyone else get to sign up for the free offer?

  27. Diane456 says:

    4pm in Ontario and still nothing…..

  28. T says:

    So this offer is just for packet sample size – I don’t think I would bother to enter any more, it’s not worth the time and effort. It’s smart marketing for them though – it’ll generate a large customer database and website traffic.

  29. mia says:

    it’s a pelie sample I receive it last time and the site is down for now.

  30. FatB says:

    It’s Live as of 3:13 MST, so those that want it can get it now.

  31. Jonathan says:

    That’s right. Live baby! Got mine, and one for my Mom.

  32. Jonathan says:

    That’s right. Live baby! Got mine, and one for my Mom.

  33. meow says:

    got it!

  34. momo28 says:

    Every time there is an offer, I don’t know why I even bothered to waste my time on getting the sample. If they can’t support that many people, why have the site up? So frustrating…………………..

  35. Opher says:

    8002 left 6:33PM ET
    There doesn’t seem to be any delay as you go through the pages.

    For all those that do not know why you bother….the rest of us know why.

  36. Pam says:

    Just signed up. Thank you! A bit slow, but worked.

  37. Linda says:

    is anybody else having a problem entering the security code? Ive entered it a number of times and it keeps telling me its wrong…………

  38. nrich6 says:

    got it 7103 left

  39. sharp1 says:

    @Linda – I had to enter the security code about 10 different times but it eventually worked.

  40. Linda says:

    Thanks sharp1, I finally got it in after about 20 tries!!! I may require living well pain products after that process!

  41. anything says:

    662 left at 11:59PM

  42. mia says:

    A little late but I finally got mine!!!


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