Walmart Canada Black Friday Flyer

The Walmart Canada Black Friday flyer is now out 😀

Click here to read the Walmart Canada Black Friday Flyer

3 responses to “Walmart Canada Black Friday Flyer”

  1. Rob K says:

    Not to sound rude but, WOW save $4 on the iPad smart case, what a great black Friday deal, Don’t see anything that would keep me from driving to the US, where you can get a 40″ Toshiba LCD for $180, and it’s 1080P not 720

  2. Jen says:

    You are not being rude… This is a terrible sale. Where are all the toys? Door crashed specials? I so want to go to the states.

  3. chuck proud canadian says:

    want what USA has move there and and have all there other wonderful benefits ,like no free medical ,no jobs ,poverty and crime


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