Walmart Canada Clearance Blowout Sale: Save Up to 75% Off on Toys and Baby Clothes

New or expecting parents won’t want to miss out on this clearance sale from Walmart Canada, as within this clearance blowout you can pick up toys and baby clothing for up to 75% off, with some baby clothing sets selling for as little as $1! That’s less than how much your morning coffee costs, and for less than that you can pick up an entire two-piece set!

Of course baby clothing isn’t the only merchandise available in this massive clearance sale, as there are also toys that have been discounted to cost less than $5 in some cases! For instance, this Editions Gladius International Caillou Memory Game is on sale for just $3, though normally it would cost $9.93.

A couple of other hot finds from this clearance blowout included:

Walmart Canada offers FREE shipping on all orders that are $50 or more.

Click here to begin shopping at Walmart Canada.

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